After some test flights and thoughts, I'd say that the the 3D modeling of the T-45C is complete and ready for testing.
The next step is go through the NATOPS and see if there are any major mistakes in flight and system modeling I am unaware of. I am quite happy with the flight model, and I think it does its job nicely for a FSX carrier trainer. Also, it is well beyond the scope of this project to provide 100% realism and system modeling. Still, a final review before the testing phase is needed - and doing so I am also preparing a (sort of) flight manual.
The next step is go through the NATOPS and see if there are any major mistakes in flight and system modeling I am unaware of. I am quite happy with the flight model, and I think it does its job nicely for a FSX carrier trainer. Also, it is well beyond the scope of this project to provide 100% realism and system modeling. Still, a final review before the testing phase is needed - and doing so I am also preparing a (sort of) flight manual.
Should everything go as planned, the Beta test build will be ready by the next weekend. I am still undecided if it will be a "public" Beta or a restricted one. Both have pros and cons - I do prefer a "restricted" one, but the plane is flyable (and "enjoyable") as it is right now... and I don't know when I will have time to fix the bugs in future...so a public release will allow a lot of people to fly a Goshawk that, right now, is already much better than the existing one...