As the real F-35 project is getting momentum (with first flight of AF-8 and CF-3 pre-series aircrafts) I have reviewed the status of my payware F-35 project.
First, I'd like to thank you all for the support and appreciation - I think it has been a huge success by my standards.
Second, I want to apologize for the lack of support on this project. Unfortunately my usual email address, which is also the one I used for FSX, is bloated by spam and junk emails to the point it is unusable - or more accurately, to the point in which I should spend several hours a week browsing through the messages. Last time I checked I had 1150 (!) unread emails, out of the first 50, just one was an actual, meaninful message.
Again, my most humble apologies for that. I will setup new email addresses as soon as possible.
Again, my most humble apologies for that. I will setup new email addresses as soon as possible.
Third, I just bough some new and more accurate (and more expensive) professional 3D meshes for the F-35 - as I felt that the F-35A was not on par with the new T-45C and F-14D. Therefore:
- A new, updated and more detailed F-35 model is in the works. The new model will be basically just a graphical update, and will be targeted at high-end computers. It will be payware, as the new 3d data was quite expensive for my budget, although it will be in the same price range as the previous F-35. The new outer model WILL NOT be compatible with existing repaints.
- I am considering to cease the sales of the current F-35 project. I do not consider this on par with the quality level I expect from the other projects. Unfortunately, agreement with some contributors of the project forbid the release as freeware.
- I am also considering to release the new model as a free upgrade to the existing one, or at a discounted price for existing customers - but I am not sure I can afford that.
- The new F-35 project will be "officially" announced soon, together with screenshots. It will still be an F-35A, anyway. I can tell you it looks really good, IHMO.
Anyway, no final decision was made so far - so I'd like to hear your opinion. The only thing I have decided is that I will make the new F-35 model, because it looks feasible (although requires a high end computer) - and what I have on the screen looks really good...and because I could not resist and already purchased the model from Turbosquid...
Accidenti, novità inaspettate.
Non è per caso che hai considerato anche l' ipotesi di fare il B?
Comunque se ti può essere di qualche aiuto, sentiti libero di dare la mia mail in giro, qualora servisse supporto per quel poco di cui mi sono occupato;-)
Ciao Roberto.
Il B l'avevo iniziato ed e' venuto una mezza schifezza. Buttato.
Ieri sera ho fatto 'sta follia da 900 dollari e ci ho lavorato fino alle quattro di notte e sta venendo una figata. Il che è un casino, perchè il T-45C sta venendo bene, l'F-14D sta venendo bene...e adesso pure questo.
Ricavare il modello del B da quello dell'A non è banale... occorrerebbe spendere altrettanto per il modello porfessionale del B, ma è molto più complesso come poligoni e il nuovo A sfiora i limiti di FSX.
Non è detto che in un altra notte di pazzia non parta anche il quarto progetto... Però ora mi voglio concentrare sul T-45. La versione di prova è quasi pronta!
Eheh,ti si è riaccesa la scintilla:-)
Nota personalissima: sono attratto poco dagli esterni super dettagliati, che tra l' altro costano in termini di prestazioni HW. Mi interessa molto di più la cura degli interni, ma in questo hai sempre fatto un ottimo lavoro.
Peccato per il B, sarebbe stato una figata, avevo qualche idea per delle aggiunte alla strumentazione.
Se ti serve qualcosa fammi sapere, conosci i miei grossi limiti e quel poco che so fare ;-)
HI. I am excited to see a new f-35 is in the works. I purchased the last model when it was released. I would most love to see a V/STOL
F-35 or at least a Navy virssion. I am not trying to be a critic but it amazes me that you want to cancel the previous verssion to do another one of the same. I have loved the previous f-35 and since my computer is not top noch I just lowered the bit size of quite a few of the textures so now it runs like a champ on my computer. any how your work as always is amazing and varry sought after, I just realy wish you would reconcider doing a V/stol verssion even if it was not made to the normaly high standards you are used to makeing. what I mean by that is maybe you could just use the 3-d model you purchased and adjust it to make a V/STOL version also. I know that the true flight dinamics would also be extreamly tough but I dont think any one would nock you for making it work a bit like a helicopter while in hover mode if that would be easier. I think every one would agree it would be most exciting.
Utube Video showing UK RN FAA flight simulator for F-35C training:
I wish you the best of luck and I hope you do a F-35C, in regards to the F-35B, don't give up on it just sleep on it, besides its know tha the human brain can solve complex problems when sleeping. Good Luck!
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