Above are a couple of screenshots I posted few days ago at Sim-outhouse... As you can see the outer model is almost done (let's say 95%). It just needs some minor details (mainly in the cockpit), some texture "clean up" and some minor animation tweaks. I have to confess am really happy about its quality so far.
I started working on the virtual cockpit and the main panel is almost done. It has been modeled directly over the NATOPS cockpit diagrams so it should be significantly closer to the real thing (although the previous one was reasonably close). I will post some pictures once a larger portion of it is complete.
For now, the plan is to keep the stock F/A-18 avionics code (HUD and MFDs), so the display will incorrectly indicate two engines and a radar (although I know that a "virtual radar" for the real T-45 is in development - i.e. a "radar simulator" for training). It would be possible to make 100% accurate avionics... but that will require a lot of time and resources.
On the good side the HUD, features some tricks I learned while making the F-35 so it looks better. I have not decided wether to make also the instructor's cockpit or not. I know it would be cool, but I want to keep the project "small" - that is the only way to deliver something.
Dino, Great news - Looks Terrific. Many thanks for your hard work.
Un Lavoro davvero Superlativo....Maury
Great looking new shots of the T-45C. I'm looking forward to it as I fly it often...in fact I've been using it to go through an entire simulated Navy Jet training program modeled after all of the syllabus you can find online. It's making me a better pilot. Some things I would like to see fixed are as follows...
The HUD doesn't show the altimeter setting and the distance to navaids is cut off. Maybe your new better HUD will already fix this?
There is no place to set the altimeter in the cockpit without using the B button. I hope you can add an altimeter setting knob to the cockpit.
Also it would be very nice to be able to set the BINGO and Low Altitude Warning levels like in the real jet. I've been using a mod to do the LAW setting but the BINGO setting doesn't work. Again looking forward to it and thanks!
Ottimo,lo scenario di sottofondo qual'è?hai mai pensato di sviluppare un aereo per x plane? inoltre lo sviluppo di 339 cd con avionica o m346 sarebbe remurativo visto l'impegno di aerosoft per f 14 milviz f 15 iris eurofighter, e lotussim mig 29
Ciao a tutti e grazie per l'apprezzamento!
@Brandon - The HUD should be OK now. As for the the rest, my first goal is to achieve the same level of functionality as the previous release, just "graphically" closer to the NATOPS. Once that is achieved I will add more functionality, possibly including what you ask for.
Lo scenario è MegaScenery X Southern California - nello specifico nelle vicinanze di Miramar MCAS.
X-plane l'ho provato ma non mi ha entusiasmato. Con Flight all'orizzonte credo che non mi ci dedicherò. Da quello che ho visto è possibile che Flight mantenga un buon livello di compatibilità con gli add-on di FSX.
Poi, io faccio questo per hobby - la remunerazione non è un fattore primario. Ho chiesto soldi per l'F-35 solo per finanziare il mio hobby e ripagare alcune spese dei progetti passati. Al momento, il T-45 sarà freeware, così come il nuovo F-14 (che è in cantiere - anche se sarà riservato, temo, ai computer più potenti)... So che Aerosoft sta lavorando ad un F-14A e non vedo l'ora di vederlo. Sono sicuro che sarà ottimo. Ma non lo vedo come un buon motivo per non andare avanti con il mio.
In quanto agli Aermacchi, mi piacerebbe molto lavorarci su. Ma al momento non ho il tempo necessario.
Dino grazie per la risposta,sono felicissimo del fatto che lo si fa per passione;-)Immagino che sviluppare 2 progetti sia impegnativo
Good flight
Looks astonishing. I'm looking forward for its release.
Thank you for providing us, players, with such accurate models.
I have a question for you, though:
Besides avionics improvement, does this new T-45C feature an exterior model improvement as well? Not that the other T-45 is badly executed, the aircraft looks great and is excelent for carrier ops. Thanks to it I learned how to land with the F-18. It's just I've been watching your posts and you talk a lot about "minor details in the exterior model".
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