Please report bugs, issues and suggestions from the Beta release as comments to this post. I will update this post once in a while but I will review it almost daily for the next two-three weeks. The plan is to release the new Goshawk by the end of June.
2) Aircraft is sitting too high on the ground. STATUS: OPEN. ACTION: TBD. The model previously was previously sitting much lower, but gear dynamics / animation had issues. Correct setting seem to work much better. Unsure to change it or not.
3) Evaluate addition of external loads. STATUS: open. ACTION: try to merge external loads from previous model and see how it looks and evaluate impact on frame rate. This is not a priority for me, but it would be a nice- to-have feature for some.
4) Remapping textures to allow "wrap around" repaints. STATUS: CLOSED.
5) Add missing details to the speed brakes. STATUS: CLOSED (modified 3d model).
Bomb racks & baggage pod: it would be possible to reimport them from the old T-45C model. Visibility can be mapped to load stations or doors.
- 165629 / A107 "Eagles" CO scheme
- 165088 / A109 "Tigers" CO scheme
- 167081 / B303
- A101 & B200 Centennial of Naval Aviation "retro" schemes
- TBD Sabrehawk bird
1) HUD parallax effect is buggy (sometimes does not return into its proper position). STATUS: CLOSED (FIXED - removed unnecessary animation of the view cone).
2) HUD missing "E" bracket. STATUS: CLOSED. ACTION: None. This project reuses standard MFDs and HUDs from stock Hornet. It may be possible to install the enhanced HUD from Neutrino and Scott Prinz as a third party add-on.
NOTE: Report from Neutrino shows that the view cone and projection plane should be change to properly apply the improved HUD -> I will modify the drawing accordingly.
UPDATE: First integration with new HUD from Neutrino was positive - and it looks really good!
3) MFDs bugs. STATUS: CLOSED. ACTION: None. Default MFDs from the stock Hornet seem to have issues with the Goshawk. MFD code should be redone from scratch, but I have no time for that and most of the pages and functions work correctly.
4) FF Indicator. Fix Pound-per-hour/pound-per-minute marking. STATUS: OPEN. ACTION: Modify texture..
5) Turn indicator, Aoa Indicator, Stanby Attitude indicator: add "OFF" flag if possibile. STATUS: CLOSED; ACTION: Modified 3d model, flag shape is not accurate but does its job.
6) Night lighting too bright (especially in DEP area). STATUS: CLOSED. ACTION: reduced considerably the night lighting map for the VC, DEP is now clearly readable - will evaluate dimming the flood light, too.
7) Engine instruments: Check in-game readings versus real values. If possible, modify readings to match the real ones. STATUS: OPEN. ACTION: TBD
8) Speedbrake lights are wrong in color. STATUS: CLOSED (FIXED - redone graphics and visibility conditions, also redone launch bar graphics and visibility conditions).
9) VVI needle not sitting at zero when it should. STATUS: CLOSED. ACTION: Fixed animation in 3d model, also got rid of a bug that made readings not accurate in certain conditions.
10) Fuel quantity gauge inaccurate. STATUS: CLOSED (FIXED - animation was mapped to the wrong variable)
11) MASTER CAUTION light turns on at 50% fuel quantity. STATUS: CLOSED. Action: new .xml code.
12) Tailhook lever animation: mapped to tailhook position rather than the handle. STATUS:CLOSED. ACTION: fixed animation association.
13) Tailhook warning light, 3d model moves during activation. STATUS: CLOSED. ACTION: New visibility XML code.
14) Check functionality and animation of all light switches. STATUS: OPEN. ACTION: check animation and mouse click areas
15) Reprogramming of all warning/advisory lights ongoing. STATUS: OPEN. ACTION: reprogram all the .xml code for the warning and advisory lights for more accurate functionality.
16) Add more conditions to the red/light launch bar light. STATUS: CLOSED: Green light turns off when N2 is above 95% (to achieve a "no lights" condition before launch as in real life) and red light turns on when launch bar is not retracted and plane is airborne.
17) BINGO values can be set correctly and are digested by the system, but they are not integrated in the Caution/warning lights. STATUS: OPEN. Action: edit .xml coding.
18) LAW value can be set correctly but shows only in the mouse information tag. STATUS: OPEN. Action: evaluate integration in the altimeter.
19) Altimeter cannot be set by the VC. STATUS: OPEN. Action: add mouse area for altimeter setting.
1) Catapult endspeed is way too high (above 200 kts). This is due to the fact that the Goshawk uses default catapult dynamics, which are set for the F/A-18 Hornet and cannot be changed (but can be overwritten by additional code). STATUS: CLOSED. ACTION:None from my side. This cannot be fixed without additional code - Sylvain will provide a standalone fix for this.
2) Approach speed and settings: monitor user feedback - IMHO the landing behaviour is.good (but not perfect) and does its carrier-training job quite nicely. STATUS: CLOSED. Vast majority of users is happy with the carrier landing behaviour, however it has been modified for more accurate AoA and speeds (most user will probably find that it is more difficult).
3) Engine settings at idle: engine idle should be around 55+/-2 %, also idle speed should not be able to move the a/c on the ground. STATUS: CLOSED (fixed engine dynamics and gauges animation).
4) Evaluation of several fixes/improvements to the flight model. Most users seem to have no issue with that - carrier landings are close and easy to do but not perfect. I am currently evaluating some changes - I know the flight model is far from being perfect, but I have too confess that I consider the current one to be quite good... hence, I will evaluate each and every change carefully. Flight models are sometimes tricky: you fix one aspect and do not realize you are screwing up others... STATUS: OPEN - ACTION: MONITOR
6) Landing gear damage threshold is low. Some users experienced damages to the landing gear while landing. The damage threshold was lowered on purpose to force users to perform smotther landings but, with new dynamics and more accurate AoA during descent, it is extremely easy to damage the gear. STATUS: CLOSED Gear stiffness increased to the same values of the old T-45.
1) Flight manual paragraph numbering is not correct in chapter 10. STATUS: OPEN. ACTION: fix source document and pdf.
2) One user reported "click" sounds on the sound package. Cannot replicate that issue. STATUS: CLOSED. ACTION: none - I think the sound pack is quite good, although I am not an expert in this field. Much better than any default alias.
Color key:
Green - issue solved, or mitigated to the point is acceptable or not perceived by most users. Or a minor issue that will be present in the final build as it would require way too much work to be fixed, and does not spoil the general quality of the project.
Yellow -issue open, and could be perceived as product defect by many users. Awaiting action or investigation. Or issue open, mitigated to the best of my knowledge but will still be perceived as defect by users. Or issue open but appears easy to fix.
Red - major issue for most user that needs to be solved before release, or an issue with a root cause not identified as of today. Or the problem is beyond my knowledge or impossible or too difficult to solve.
Dear Dino,
thanks a lot for releasing your new T-45!! It looks great...!!
While flying your bird there were some issues that evoked my attention:
1. The flight model seems not to be finished yet, the idle thrust is way to powerfull. While approaching on the carrier i have problems no to become to fast, allthough the thrust leaver is in iddle position. There is nearly no speed reduction when i turn the leaver to iddle...:.( (Angle of Attack is correctly setted)
2. The altimeter seems no to show correct altitude, it shows more altitude than the aircraft really has. She nearly kisses the ocean while flying in an indicated 600-feet pattern.
That are the two main issues I realized. Apart from that you have designed a great aircraft!
Thank you for your stunning work,
Hi Dino. Thank you for releasing such a beautiful aircraft but there are some things i want to point out:
1. Instrument panel light lighting is too bright. It looks like overexposed photo and you can't even read numbers on that numeric block in front of you. It's just too white.
2. Fuel quantity gauge is inaccurate. When you load your aircraft with 50% fuel, the pointer is at 25%.
2.1 Master Caution shows up at 50% FQ and below (i mean real 50%, not gauge 50%), but LOW FUEL warning not (like in old T-45). I think the "low fuel" should show up maybe at 20% and not 50%, but that's only my opinion.
3. Variomenter (VSI, VVI, rate-of-climb... whatever) is inaccurate too. At ground it shows approx. +200ft. HUD rate-of-climb indication is fine.
4. That gauge above thrust indication (FF) misses pointer. I can see only the tip of it.
5. I don't know if it's bug or feature, but even at full throttle the throttle gauge shows only 90% and no more. Joystick is calibrated properly.
6. Also don't know if it's bug or not, but the idle throttle is moving the aircraft forward on ground even at full weight. There's a need to apply parking brake.
7. New soundpack is awesome, but I think it's has a very poor sound quality. I tested it on YUIN PK3, which is quite great sounding headphones, but I hear unpleasant "cracking" in that, especially in external view when looking at the nose of the plane.
Could somebody with better audio gear confirm/disprove that?
Once again, thank you for great aicraft and when something comes to my mind, I'll report it.
Regards, George
Again, me :)
ad. 5 - My mistake, the throttle is fine. Maybe it's affected by weather (temperature), because the first try was in Anchorage at the winter but now I tried it again at TNCM at summer and got 100% throttle.
ad. 2. from Stefan - It looks good to me, it shows 5ft (HUD and Gauge) at sea level. Maybe your altimeter was set wrong ;)
But i discover a new glitch - that "HUD moving" function is interesting, but sometimes it's just not working right. I'm flying perfectly straight and HUD is not at the center, so you can't see your speed or altitude. Not every time, but sometimes and you can fix it only by turning your plane again.
Also when I pull the stick really quick, it tends to hide to the bottom and again, you must push the stick to fix it.
It's interesting fuction but I think it is rather buggy...
Thanks for you feedback - I will review it asap.
But please take your time in flying the Goshawk - I will not have time to work on it for a couple of days in any case.
I can approach the moving carrier at 120 KIAS and reduce a little. My last landing was 115 KIAS at 88% fuel. AoA indexer seems accurate. Control is good. The speed brake was open.
Need more carrier flights for testing.
Cat launch at full weight, full flaps, and idle throttle is not realistic but a lower speed results. The pilot must throttle up, of course, but the Goshawk still has too much speed so it works. It's a trade-off.
Ciao Dino, non ho ancora potuto provarlo, lo farò presto.
Ho notato però che hai incluso anche il readme della v1.85
awesome model thank you for this long waited beauty:))
could you add spin charesteristics? i sow this video long time ago on youtube
thank you:))
I have made a test flight starting at 2,500 feet ASL ---about 750 meters---setting a fuel weight of56%, full flaps, no speed brake, 98 KIAS and once in the AOA of 7.0 to 7.7 Alpha the Goshawk stayed on course, hands off, at a rate of descent of 572 feet per minute to 320 fpm.
At about 600 feet ASL I made lineup adjustments for the slant deck on the sea out in front of me.
I was a little low but trapped at 102 KIAS.
Seems quite smooth and realistic, especially compared to other FSX carrier aircraft.
All from the VC.
dummy me
forgot to say descent AOA had the yellow donut all the way----until I made adjustments for trapping alignment----the Goshawk just flew itself.
Left MFD set to engine shows no N1 or N2 info while in flight. Other values also zero or wrong such as EGT -273C.
Real nice model man, it's more of a pleasure to fly for sure than even your last aircraft which was pretty fun. There were a couple of things in terms of accuracy that you might be able to fix.
I know I sent you a bunch of pictures and some emails to your old account with some of these things lined out but you might not have gotten them since it got hacked. Sorry to hear about that.
1.)The fuel gauge is in percentages instead of pounds. The fuel gauge in the goshawk will show up to 3300lbs of fuel. With a full load of fuel we will have 2900 lbs showing on the gauge.
2.) The amber donut for on speed is showing at the max endurance benchmark of 14 units AoA instead of the 20 unit bench mark at the right 3'oclock position. On speed is still a little slow for the configurations as well.
for example:
no flap on speed=151+half of your fuel weight in lbs
half flap on speed=131+half of your fuel weight in lbs.
full flap on speed=111+half of your fuel weight in lbs.
These calculations will put on speed well within 2kts of on speed.
On speed is much more like the jet with the current flight dynamic (smoother) and the sight picture to the carrier box seems about right.
for the ease of conversion you know that each 10% increment would be 290lbs and you can figure about from there. Since SOP is to land with no less than 500lbs as per CNATRA SOP the slowest we get on a full flap is ~114kts on speed. The fastest full flap would be about ~129kts. Half flap slowest is ~135kts fastest ~149kts.
3.)I like the new hud effects clean looking. The hud is missing the "E" bracket for the on speed indication. The VVI is much more smooth and much better. Good adjustment. Also, if you go high alpha/high nose up the hud shifts almost of the glass.
4.) Engine stuff, The fuel flow response is much more accurate to the jet and the animations are great. I am pretty confident that the Fuel flow (FF) is showing pounds per min, instead of pounds per hour. At cruise power (250kts) seven thousand pounds is not available but is almost exactly the FF for PPM. Cruise power in the jet is 1200-1300PPH. Max at MRT will give 4860PPH on a standard day, conversely idle will show 300-400PPH just a hair above the first tic mark.
Animation of the Tachometer is very nice. Idle is a little low, the jet will show 55+-2% on a standard day increasing to 1% per 1,500ft for an idle setting vice what is displayed in the beta. Some other general numbers Generators come online at 45% (this is when the rest of the lights in the cockpit will light up, if you wanted to add the effect, flood lights will be on but the other cockpit lights will be added when the gen comes up.) and the hyds come up at 42%, except for hyd 2 which you press the button and it will go to 3000PSI. The bleed valve will close at 61%+-4, but I would worry about that with this model the user wouldn't know the difference in FSX.
5.)On your model the speed brake light looks correct for the size of it and the text, it's all green though in the jet instead of the red (letters are green not the background). There are five settings for the speed brake the first four taps on the speed brake button will display the top, 'SPD BRK', on the fifth click it will have the bottom 'FULL' light up. The speed brakes/boards will be in the increments of 5 so, 12 degrees per click of the boards are extended until the full 60 degrees which will display the 'FULL.' Full boards on an idle descent with the nose 9-10 degrees down will give you a 250 KIAS and descent of about 5000-6600 FPM.
6.) Other notes typically when practicing FCLPs the approx noted parameters are as follows in the jet are: (configuration is full flap, speed brakes out, full fuel, on speed 20 units.) Fuel flow is 2000-2050 pounds per hour, and N2 RPM is 86%, 118KTS, all on a standard day. I hope this helps your flight dynamic bracketing.
Thanks again for all that you've done!!! The cockpit looks great and it is very smooth. The increase engine response and cruise power to .85 mach is much more accurate. It will be nice flying form with this as well as the increased response at the boat. Since there is no way to add the additional boost of the solenoid shot below 7200' for the increased power I think that this was a much better solution. Very Nice Cockpits and animations, just top notch. I'd pay for this type of aircraft. Top dollar too, I'm looking forward to practicing with my bros in Kingsville online.
Please email if you have any questions!
Also the right MFD, exactly as the left.
Wish the HUD had the "E" bracket as mentioned above.
All, thanks a lot for your feedback!
I will update the to-do list soon. Here are some miscellaneuos replies/questions:
Altimeter (Stefan) - I think it works correctly, as long as the altimeter setting is correct.
Carrier approaches/power setting - they seem OK to me...
HUD - Agreed on the "tilt" bug, should be easy to fix. However the code and features are reused from standard Hornet - so there is no way to add functions without rewriting it from scratch. However, enhanced HUD by Neutrino and Scott Prinz could be installed.
MFDs - Code is reused from the hornet...may have issues with a different flight model. There is little I can do (apart from rewriting from scratch - and I do not have time for that)...
Thanks for your notes - one trivial question: it is unclear how the SPD BRK/FULL lights should look like. Both in red characters on dark background? SPD BRK green and FULL red?
Good work so far, you've taken on quite an undertaking it looks like.
With regards to the speedbrake. The text looks correct in the size as well as the dimensions of the inset of the speedbrake position indicator.
The backround is all black and the text lights up. The text is a bright green. The description of the five settings of the speed brake and when the 'Full' illuminates is in the above description. So in the aircraft it is a black piece of plastic and there is a green colored inset with a light behind it which is how it illuminates on the settings.
I also misspoke about on speed at 20 units (20 units is the on speed for a T-34C homer simpson moment!), it's 17 units in the T-45C. The gauge is correct just the indicators position for on speed is at 14 units which is max endurance not on speed.
To be clear they are both green on a dark background. The same color as the rest of the instrument panel.
AS for the FF gauge, the gauge is pretty close to the jet, just the needle is way off because of the unit that of rate it's displaying min versus hour. If you could change that rate valve it would work perfect I'm willing to bet. I have no idea how such adjustments are programmed. You're a wizard man.
Hi Dino, I did at least 100 carrier landings yesterday and I will be back with a detailed report on flight dynamics and HUD. I notice something else though - the aircraft surface is too shiny and reflective. I tried all kinds of lighting - cloudy, fogged in - but it is always overexposed, i.e. at least 20-30% of the surface is clipped at maximum brightness (255) and you simply cannot see the shape and detail. You can see it in every screenshot.
~ neutrino
Good to hear from you - and thanks for testing.
I am not sure I agree on your comment, meaning that I like the Beta shininess. But you may be right, so I reduced the shininess (and the brightness of the base color) a little bit.
Hi Dino. I did some flights today and here are some of my observations:
- Tailhook indication missing.
- Wing Lights is non-functional.
- Landing/Taxi lights is not present (could you please add it? You almost can't land without LDG lights especially when airport doesn't have centerline lighting)
And to the problem with wrong fuel gauge animation - I've loaded aircraft with various amounts of fuel and here is the result. The first number is real fuel amount, second is amount displayed by gauge (approx.):
Hope this can help you during calibration of that gauge.
Regards, George.
Dino, I send you an email with the results from my carrier landing tests.
The manual is amazing. I'm color coding the sections for the FSX Goshawk.
I'm doing stalls and proper landing speeds as per the manual page 69.
As indicated in a report here, a very low speed is possible but too close to stall. I can find no exact stall refence to stall speeds but I guess stall is about 20 KIAS below proper landing speed.
Hi. Could somebody please try to load very long direct and then press SEQ button on MFD? I wanted to fly CEQ5->KTWF direct, which is 708nm (just to check fuel consumption) and FSX crashed after pressing SEQ button. I just wanna know if it's only my problem or if it's bug and should be resolved.
It is a known bug - it may happen reusing standard F/A-18 avionics from FSX:A package. There is nothing I can do about it, apart from writing completely ne HUDs and MFD, which is way beyond the scope of the project.
I will look for it. I tend to avoid using the old email address (which is the one you have) as it receives dozens of spam messages per day - to the point it is not usable anymore.
AFAIK - there is no Tailhook light or indication in the Goshawk cockpit. The HOOK light illuminates when the commanded position does not match the actual position and that's it.
Fuel Quantity - Found the bug, the needle was reading "L" tanks and not the total fuel quantity.
Light - Will check, they are there and should work.
blackbird asked about stall speeds. From the T-45A NATOPS (with an airframe similar to the C model I presume) has this info in a 3 page small 256Kb PDF here:
The angle-of-attack (AOA) system consists of an
AOA indicator and indexer lights in each cockpit,
an AOA transmitter, and a three colored
external approach lights assembly. The rudder
pedal shakers and stall warning tone operate at
21.5 units AOA to provide artificial warning of
stall AOA. See Figure 2-30.
& Stall Warning Tone. The stall warning
tone is associated with the rudder pedal
shaker and comes on simultaneously with the
pedal shaker at 21.5 units AOA. A 400 hertz
pulsed, tone is repeated until AOA is decreased
below the specified units."
Because I have to do battle with the GOOGLE account to post a comment here every time I forgot to add that the PDF contains three stall/airspeed charts. And I'm battling to post this comment. :-)
Today was able to download the current T-45A/C Performance PDF with the three page Stall Chart extract (256Kb PDF) here:
Stall Charts: http:www.a4ghistory.com/StallSpeedCharts_T-45A-C_PERFORMANCE_CHARTSed.pdf (256Kb)
Here are some of the pictures that I sent you when your email was hacked. This should clear up some of the points I made earlier and also some of the things others brought up.
The Hook light on the previous model was good for being on the ground. This is because the commanded position for down it set but the hook doesn't set all the way down in position when the aircraft is on the ground. As you correctly stated there is no indication that it is down otherwise in flight, with hook bypass set to 'Field.' Unless you have the hook bypass switch to carrier and then the indication that the hook is up is that the AoA indexer lights will flash in fight.
As for stall speeds until the AoA gauge can be adjusted it wouldn't be as realistic to put a stall warning in based on AoA since the speed will vary will different weights. However, III-7-20, 7.14.1 of NATOPS addresses stall speeds at 11,500lbs. (The lightest you would ever be.)
"Stall speeds with approach power
and a gross weight of 11,500 pounds
Half flaps 99 KIAS
Full flaps 94 KIAS"
Regarding AoAs,
1/2 flaps 19.5
Full flaps 20
Start flaps up 17
0 to 10,000 feet 10~300KIAS
10,000 to 20,000 feet 10~300KIAS
20,000 to 30,000 feet 10~300KIAS
30,000 to 40,000 feet 11~300KIAS
Any altitude 14
Speed brakes out, 80% RPM, 4,000
to 6,000 fpm rate of descent 11
Gear extension 13~200KIAS
Flap extension 13~200KIAS
GCA pattern (clean) 13~200KIAS
GCA pattern (landing configuration) 10
GCA pattern (final) 17
Carrier pattern and approach 17
The animation of the trim indicators are great on wipeout checks and are spot on. Pretty impressive Dino.
I hope this clears up some of the earlier stuff I was talking about.
many thanks phillipthompson2 for the link and I've downloaded the pdf file and saced it. My low weight flights seem to be very close to the data. I'll try max weight next.
Thanks for including the ability to change the LAW and BINGO settings. I figured out how to change the BINGO but I can't find any indicator to show the settings for the LAW. I see I can move the button but I can't figure out what number it is set at? Is this viewable somewhere?
Thanks for including the LAW and BINGO settings. I've figured out how to set the BINGO level however I can't find a way to view the setting for the LAW. I can move the button but I can't see anything change anywhere. Is this visible somewhere to see the numerical value of the LAW setting?
Hi Dino,
Just one question/remark: it seems that your tailhook handle is animated by TAILHOOK POSITION so it moves according the tailhook movement (which is quite slowly for a handle)... You should use TAILHOOK HANDLE for your VC animation which is more appropriate...
It's just my 2 cents remark
Sylvain Parouty
Thanks - just wrote you an email, sorry for the delay.
I understand what you mean. If I have time, I will add an "tag" to the mouse, but the BINGO setting should be visible on the MFD FUEL page, if I remeber correctly.
When HYD failure occurs, the gravity drop (emergency gear handle) for wheels isn't working. Too bad there's no RAT, but I understand it will be too hard to do and only few payware addons actually have it.
And to the problem with hook lever animation - I've noticed that HOOK light moving too (forward and backward) :)
Yes the Bingo setting is visible but the LAW is not visible anywhere. It's difficult to set if you can't see the value. Thanks Dino! I'm sure you are overwhelmed with all the stuff coming in. You're doing a great job with it! Thanks so much for providing us with a jet this fun to fly!
Add bomb racks.
Add centre fuel tank.
Add more polygons to wheels and tires as per previous version.
Tail hook tip drops below surface.
Animate upper pitot heat switch (above whiskey compass).
Relocate upper fuse strobe: light.3 = 2, 3.60, 0.00, 4.00, fx_strobe
Beacon lights flash inside cockpit. Use an effect like fx_beacon_commander
Relocate lower beacon: light.5 = 1, 8.55, 0.00, -2.20, fx_beacon_commander
Warn/Caut light test switch only lights the flap position lights. Should it light all Warn/Caut lights?
Console light switch animates the Tail light switch and activates the Tail light.
Console light is too bright on switches and buttons, light produced by the Flood light on switches and buttons is of sufficient brightness.
Hey Dino, this one is a real nice bird! I quite enjoyed doing some carrier training with it!
I just wanted to inform you that I see some kind of a shadow on the front gear doors. It shows depending on angle and lighting, so I guess it could be a texture issue with the normal/alpha maps. This is in DX10 mode on my side, FSX Acc. on Vista 32, Nvidia FX86000GT.
Congrats on another well-done model.
VISUAL BUG: The chines on the upper and lower edge of the speed-brake are missing. If there was a method for attaching a photo I'd display what I'm talking about, but I'm sure you understand.
@ Robert
Thanks, I see what you mean.
They were left out as they created some shadowing/smoothing problems due to the polygon shape... but I tried again and now they are there (smaller and less rounded that they should be... but better than nothing).
Hi Dino.
I don't wanna be a nitpick, but your 107 has a wrong number on flaps (150) ;) Also that "S" behind the cabin is always only on the left side of the airplane. But there are more importnant things, I just wanted you to know ;) Btw. are you considering releasing a paintkit?
Regards, George.
Thanks but the errors you are mentioning were already fixed some days ago.
I'm not certain as I am not a builder but the default sailplane can set the spoilers (speedbrake) to different values from the VC ?
I'll check but my memory seems to recall several settings possible by mouse on the spoiler lever in the VC.
yes, the sailplane speedbrake can be set to any percentage.
perhaps the Goshawk VC can be similiar?
Hey u può fare la tejas LCA .... che è stato sviluppato da india?
Dino, I don't know if you have control over this, but during several test flights today I was run down by AI aircraft before they stopped taxiing.
On the 13th I reported that the arrestor hook drops below the surface (about the depth of the hook). I've since flown all three models and find that this only happens with 150. the hooks on 045 and 190 end up about 30 cm above ground.
I saw the model. Just offering my services, I'm presently flying the T-45C and if you'd like any feedback as to real-world accuracy, displays, indications, etc I dont mind helping out.
At Jiri,
2.1 - We get a low fuel caution at 350 pounds remaining as measured in the center collector tank
5. At altitude the engine produces less thrust..depending on alt the %rpm should decrease, standard on all turbojet/prop/fans
6. Idle power is enough to actually move the jet on the ground, we set the parking brake anytime we stop on the deck
just trying to share some of my experiances with the real-life goshawk!
Well done again on a fantastic model. I just have one request - please can you animate the pilots like you did on the MB-339? It just adds so much to the realism.
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