My apologies for the lack of updates - I've been very busy in the past few weeks and I had very little time (and will) to work on my FSX projects. Needless to say I've completely missed my target of delivering a Beta version of the new Goshawk before the end of Februrary - and I'm still at least 30 work-hours away from that target.
The good news is that the external model is done - initially I wanted it to be a very light 3d model... but in the end it became a very detailed one (which may disappoint some users with slower machines). On the good side, I am extremely happy with its visual quality - although the outer doors of the main landing gear have a wrong shape.
The virtual cockpit, I mean the student/pilot one, is roughly 50% complete - it still lacks the side consoles as I have not complete their main textures.
The instructor cockpit is still in my to-do list, although I am considering a later release - as I do not have the time and motivation, at present, to complete it in a reasonable time... The main problem is that I work 9-10 hours per day in front of a computer screen, and it is really hard to find the will do sit in front of another computer screen when I am at home!
Also, while I was looking for the right mood to complete the Goshawk cockpit, I did some work on the new Tomcat - the external model is 80% complete and it looks really good too! I'll post some pics as soon as the next build is done.
That looks awesome! Also, quit apologizing. I work on a computer all day as well (as an engineer with ACAD and Pro-E) and I'm working on F-23/NATF artwork for a publication and I understand not wanting to work on the PC after so many hours at work.
You're doing an outstanding job!!!
Grande Dino. Ti capisco, anche io lavoro davanti a un pc 9 ore al giorno e quindi apprezzo ancor di più quello che fai per la comunità di noi simmer.
Davvero notevole..complimenti per il tuo Lavoro...
Maury..(Da Genova)
Come non capirti... 12-14 ore al computer sono veramente deleterie per il fisico e la mente...(ne so qualcosa ;)))
il modello sembra perfetto e con le giuste proporzioni...
Buon 150° a tutti :)))))
That looks great dino i cant wait to have her in my hanger i have your first T-45 already
Ciao Dino, ben ritrovato!
Stai facendo un eccellente lavoro come sempre! Ma non scordarti di famiglia ed amici !
Qualche pazzo fan dei videogame può anche aspettare un pò per i tuoi regali ;-)
Dino you're doing an awesome job! Don't let the 'haters' bring you down bro. No matter of criticism will make me delete your aircraft! It's pretty close to the real deal as far at the feel goes. Keep FSX fun man, timelines are only suggestions anyways, sometimes you have to catch up on life!
You are the man,
All, once again thnks for your interest and appreciation!
Please rest assured that I am not let down by criticism (which is minimal!) and the only reason why it is difficult for me to proceed with my projects is lack of time. Motivation is also important... thing is that modeling the virtual cockpit (and making sure all the systems work) is really a long and tedious process.
Also, FSX is not my only hobby - and again it is extremely difficult to find the time to do everything. Well, it is impossible.
I'll post some progress asap.
Keep up with your great work, Dino!
Images shows a very pretty model, and surely the VC is high quality too!
I can't wait to bring her on the deck of a carrier!
Great Work!
It looks like a very high quality addon.
What is new in this version from the older one?
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