And then... I am also never happy with what I do, and that is the main reason for the F-35 delay - for example I just started the third version of the MFD.... which is kind of stupid, given that the previous one was working almost perfectly...
Yesterday, during some F-35 flight tests, I took the old Turkey for a spin... and was unhappy. There are several small things that could be improved, let alone the fact that rebooting the F-14 with my current skills, and possibly starting from professional 3D data like I did for the F-35, could bring a much better model.
So, long story short I am considering an update/reboot of the F-14, too. I am undecided between a quick update to the existing model, or a major rework.
Some things I do not like ad that could be fixed in a quick update (say maximum 10 hours or work) are:
- Decent afterburner effects. I think the F-35 ones are much better, and I could do similar effects for the Tomcat.
- Collimated and perfectly translucent HUD.
- Minor glitches to the external model
On the other hand, investing like 200 Euros in professional 3d data and at least 200 hours in modeling / integration with the existing Tomcat model (i.e. reusing the good stuff) could bring a much better model...
What are your opinions? What should change and what should stay the same?
Hmm it is pretty good to start with. I'd like 2 see mabye more cockpit functionality. And mabye more repaints or something. Not sure, it's perfecT in my eyes ;)
Colimated HUD for F-14 and Goshawk would be more than welcome addition. Both planes are among the best I have in FSX.
Dino...Your planes are a MUST for any serious carrier pilot! Colimated HUD is a MUST! Mod away! Thanks for your hard work!
Check your private messages at sim outhouse
I love the Tomcat as is. I wouldn't scrap it and start over. Some minor improvements are welcome.
I'd go for the quick update.
As I'm italian I would like a Tornado!
Thanks for your appreciation and comments.
I am still undecided - actually I was leaning towards the redo/integration with professional 3d data... But that would be expensive and time-consuming... The fact is that after several months, I am geting bored with the F-35 (although the new MFD is now working :-) )
@ Anonimo... The Tornado would be one of my favourites (along with the MB-339 and M-346) if I had the time... But I don't :-(
Dino, if you are going to use professional 3d data and complete overhaul - why not do a completely new aircraft ;) Either a freeware or a payware... Such as the F-22 Raptor!!! Although, above all else I'd like to see the F-35C - the future of naval aviation :)
The only thing I could think of to be improved are the afterburners. I think they could be longer and have a more red tone to them. I get a lot of thrill out of flying this aircraft and I want to thank you for your time and efforts you put into this project.
Ok, Yesterday night I could not resist and, since the price was reasonable (200 Euros), I acquired professional 3D data from Turbosquid.
Needless to say, I spent the night playing with it - instead of completing the F-35 avionics - and it was well worth the price (and time).
As usual, these kind of meshes are not usable directly for FSX, as their polycount is far above what FSX can handle (best case is they turn FSX into a slideshow, worst case they cannot be compiled) - but after 5-6 hours of work the result was spectacular.
I envision a "Ultimate Tomcat" project...
Wow, I can just imagine a Tomcat better than what you already have out. I think the current FSX Tomcat is a thing of beauty. Sure, the afterburners could be changed, but otherwise I am quite happy with it. The current burners would be great for the B model Tomcat, but the D model does have much more pronounced burners. Maybe include a wing sweep over-ride as in the real cat with the next update? Cant really think of much else wrong with it.
Thanks for the hard work, cant wait to buy the F-35!
That is a great idea but what about another project like the V-22Osprey? Thereare no really decent models out there. In addition, there should be one model that hovers although the real aircraft is unable to hover. I have to admit that I am very impress with what I've seen with your F-35, can't wait until you finish your product so I can purchase. When do you expect to get it done?
Wouldn't mind being able to see the Big Cat "Kneel" for the catshot. Other than that, its a prettty amazing piece of work.
I love the F-14. Best out there bar none. the only glitch that I noticed was that the spoilers on the wings extended with the speed brakes were used. That only happens when the plane is on the ground. Other than that, its perfect in my opinion.
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