For now, most of the changes and improvements I've implemented were on the external and the flight model, while the VC still needs more functionality.
I will keep the Alpha WIP updated for a while, as I'll be going though all the list, and will post some updated screenshots soon.
Also, I'm experiencing some problems with my home email - my apologies for any delay in replying to your messages - rest assured that I will read all the messages and reply asap.
do you know when abouts we can downlode the F35 ?
@ Jake
I have no idea. Late February. maybe. Or even later... it's done when it is done.
The product as is does not need much more development time - maybe 10-20 hours - but I'm considering seriously the addition of more features.
ok chears for that and thank you for the updates
So lookin foward to buying it. The most looked foward add on of the year in my book, and most likely everyone elses too!!
I don't think so - and honestly I do not hope so, as, in case, many users will be disappointed.
It is a small project, with a small budget and reasonably small price. It is not meant to compete with some fantastic AAA military planes out there - ans the price tag is only meant to recover the costs I had to face to complete it.
Regardless of Dino's thoughts, this is a fantastic project that has had a lot of work put into it--even in the alpha stage, it has been a pleasure to test and fly and I fully expect it will be in my stable when it becomes available to buy, too.
Dino, although you are a very modest man, you have done some serious good to the FS community with your freeware and now with your payware, but setting your standards high, with having a VC in freeware that is of good quality and by allowing people to give you feedback on this blog. Thank you!
is the F35 going to be paywere or free were ?
@ Jake
It will be payware - although I will keep the price relatively low.
@ Tutmeister
Although I may be a modest man...I think that the current build is much better than the Alpha :-)
ok thanks what will the rough price be ?
@ Jake
price and distribution method has not been decided yet.
Off topic http://news.yahoo.com/nphotos/Russia-premieres-new-stealth-fighter/ss/events/wl/012910russianstealth#photoViewer=/100129/photos_sc_afp/58ed5c36dec950c4a7fdab3a45244c1b
Russia flies the stealth T-50. Video and photos link at above website.
Very interesting pictures - I was expecting the first flight of the T-50 soon... but not this soon. Looks like a Su-27 / F-22 hybrid... an interesting machine indeed.
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