I just wanted to share the word that Javier Fernandez has released version 2.0 of his outstanding carrier package for FSX. It is really a must-have for every FSX user, as, within the limits of FSX, it is a practically perfect rendition of a Nimitz class carrier. Includes various deck configurations and dozens of easter eggs: freeware (and most payware) add-ons do not get much better than this. And it is fully Acceleration compatible.
As for my own projects, I have to confess I did not work too much on them recently for two reasons: one is the lack of time and the other is the release of some outstanding videogames on the Xbox 360 (Fifa 2010, Forza Motorsport 3 and Call of Duty:Modern Warfare 2) which are absorbing most of the time I spend at home. I will make a post about the status of the F-35 project in a day or two.
EDIT - I forgot to say that the file is available at www.flightsim.com and the ships are configured as "proper" ships - this means you need AICarriers (or a bgl file that contains routes for them - some are available at sim-outhouse)
linky? :P
try this link http://flightsim.com/kdl.php?fid=140822
This release adds more to carrier operations in FSX Accel. Thanks to Javier.
Ciao Dino, ho provato a mandarti una mail, ma mi è sorto un amletico dubbio sull' indirizzo... Tra nome e cognome ci hai messo il trattino o è tutto unito? Scusa la domanda idiota...
Ciao Roberto.
C'è un trattino. Può darsi che mi sia arrivata - ma sono parecchio indietro con lo "smaltimento posta" della mia mail di casa - che non posso controllare dal lavoro. Cerco sempre di rispondere a tutti...ma talvolta qualcosa mi scappa.
No problem, quando hai tempo. Volevo solo chiarirmi il dubbio, quelle modifiche anti-spam mi mettono sempre in crisi... :-D
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