Above are some screenshots taken during F-35 AA-1 flight testing nearby Edwards AFB. It is very hard to judge what would be the right behaviour of the real plane - but I am doing my best. Definitely there will be some tuning needed during Beta testing. Unfortunately I had not much time to work on the F-35 in the past few weeks - I am doing what I can.
Status of the project is as follows:
- External model: AA-1 is 99% complete. Some minor tweaks to the afterburner are needed, and the emergency arresting gear is not modeled. Also, the internal should host "mock" ordnance, but at present they have "real" JDAMs (recycled from the Tomcat). The final package will most probably include the AF-1 (weight optimization) model and a final F-35 (probably USAF training unit).
- Internal model: most of the "hard" part is done. I am having some difficulties finding good hi-res pictures of the canopy frame. Basically, front panels are done - but the MFD needs some more work. Side panels are 10% done but they are not really difficult to model. If I will find the time the internal model could be completed in a week or two.
- Flight model: the current one needs some work but I think it is a good start
At present - it is likely that the Beta version will be ready in early November... later than I initially thought...but I am doing what I can with the time I have :-)
Where can I sign up for beta-testing? *drools* :P
I'd be glad to help beta test if you need anyone ;).
I will make a post about Beta testing soon - including how to apply.
Given the fact that the VC is behind the schedule, chance is that Beta 1 will have only the external model only - so that I can work on the VC while the external model is being tested - but this is just an idea.
Beautiful Dino!!!
Grazie, Dino, it is good to have a report on your progress. I'll be happy to apply for beta testing.
Awsome work, Dino. I am stationed at MCAS Cherry Point and had to go up to PAX a couple weeks ago to put down some new runway sections. While we were there we got to walk around the first F-35B for my beloved Corps. No pictures were allowed sorry. It looks like you have a perfect model, and good luck with interior.
I love your work so far on he JSF. I am in the navy and have seen the f-35 close up. I would also like the opertunity to join the beta testing.
Se ti serve un B.Tester italiano eccomi!
Nice Work !
Since I had discovered your add-on, I follow your work with much interest !
Keep up man !
Ciao !
Happy to hear good news about this last masterpiece. Looking forward for your beta-testing call!
Good work!
Looking forward to help beta test your excellent F-35.
Ciao, ti interessa un beta tester italiano?
ah non ho mai volato (a parte per andare lontano)
Muchas gracias dino por tu gran trabajo en la simulacion, existen muy pocos diseñadores en el freeware que alcanzan el realismo y la perfeccion que tu logras en tus modelos. Gracias otra vez por tu dedicacion al hobbie que tanto amamos.
ho una domanda per te:
l'F-35 non avrà un hud, le informazioni verranno proiettate sul casco, come farai a farlo in FSX?
Ciao Francesco
scusa se non ho risposto prima ai tuoi commenti - è un periodo in cui sono molto occupato.
Per il beta test non ho ancora deciso tempi e modalità. Per l'HMD ci sono un paio di soluzioni che ho in mente - nessuna delle quali particolarmente soddisfacente però dovrebbero funzionare- ma prima devo finire altri aspetti del cockpit.
A ma non ti preoccupare, nessuno quì ha fretta, e scusami se mi sono proposto due volte ma non ricordavo di averlo fatto. :D
Se accetti un consiglio, potresti fare come se ci fosse un livello sopra, ad esempio come se mettessi sullo schermo un foglio trasparente con tutte le info proiettate, capisci no?
Ciao Dino,
Sono un appassionato del mondo aeronautico (storia, tecnica e specialmente tutto quello che riguarda l'F-14) e ti sono enormemente grato per il tuo stupendo Super Tomcat (c volo ogni volta che apro FSX)...
Volevo anche io farmi avanti come beta tester (sarebbe il minimo che potrei fare per ringraziarti del tuo impegno)!
Dagli screenshots l'F-35 è stupendo...continua così!!
Sono curioso d vederlo in volo e sopratutto vedere il virtual cockpit...riguardo all' MHD sarebbe bello un pannello trasparente che simuli la visiera e su cui c siano proiettate le informazioni d volo come scriveva Francesco...è fattibile?
i hope you don't mind if i can also help you beta test the F-35.
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