Quick progress report: finally I've managed to make some significant progress to thc cockpit. The main display is not finished yet, but it is not far from completition. Side consoles need some more work - especially the right one. Outer model for AA-1 is complete, with the exception of some Easter eggs I would like to add - the additional models will be done as soon as AA-1 is complete. AF-1 and operational F-35 (with and without external loads) will be done for sure. I've been experimenting with -B and -C conversion with mixed results. I think it is better to debug AA-1 first.
Minor tweaks to flight modeling, but it is still prliminary. Flight performance and fine-tuning will be done during testing.
As for the beta test - I wish I had time to plan it properly. From previous experiences, I know it can add a lot of value to the finished project, but needs to be planned/coordinated with some care otherwise some of its benefist are lost. It is likely that a "cockpitless" alpha model will be released for testing before Christmas. I will make a post on how to apply for testing within a couple of days.
Found this F-35 cockpit story with good photo here: http://www.darkgovernment.com/news/f-35-cockpit/
& http://www.darkgovernment.com/images/f35interface-lg.jpg
Ottimo lavoro, ma quanto sono 'brutti' i cockpit moderni tutto vetri, mi mancano quelli vintage con gli 'orologi'.
Thanks - I already had those pictures, and in fact part of the MFD graphics have been drawn over the MFD one.
Also, most of the textures have been done on the basis of hi-res cockpit pictures taken at LM factory during protype construction... as always, pics of canopy details are rare - but I have good pics most of the cockpit..well except one area in the battery panel :-(
Eh, sì... sull'F-35 non c'è una lancetta che sia una. C'è da dire che l'abitacolo dell'F-35 ha un layout davvero eccezionale e chiaro - un passo avanti enorme rispetto a F-22 ed Eurofighter.
Però, sì, il "feeling" del cockpit è diverso - molto più "freddo"...
The cockpit looks great Dino
Very nice MFD. Will it be "carrier ops compatible"(AoA indexer), and what about HMD of your craft (AoA carret, ILS needles)? Whatever - don't rush the release - quality first !
Enjoy the holidays, nice to see progress.
Davvero notevole Dino, ma oramai con i tuoi lavori ci hai abituato alla qualità. Non vedo l' ora di acquistarlo. Continua così! (ma goditi le feste)
All, thanks for the appreciation... however, actually the cockpit looks slightly better than what you see here (some details were missing)...
As for the functionality, most of what you see on screen will be functional, but you will not be able to change the "windows" configuration in the MFD i.e. swap/minimize/pop-up like the real F-35. I am evaluating a "context sensitive" MFD, but I am not sure it is needed.
As for the HMD I am still evaluating a couple of different options. The basic one would be superimposition of a 2d panel...but I have other ideas that might work better. I need to make some test.
As for carrier functionality: the AA-1 is not carrier capable, nor it will be any AF or F-35A. There will be an emergency tailhook, as in the F-16. Full carrier functionality (including AOA indexer)would be part of a F-35C build... but I am still evaluating the possibility to add the -B and -C models.
Basically, F-35B would require a major rework of the fuselage. And then there is the fact that VTOL ops would need external "support" (Rob's gauge + FSUIPC). Or there is the "lame" superflaps way...but I don't like it.
The F-35 would require minor changes to the fuselage, but major work on the wings...
So, for the moment, the plan is:
1)Complete the modeling of the cockpit.
2)(in parallel to 1) debug the AA-1 external model
3)Make the AF-1 and F-35A birds
4)Build the Beta 1
5)Build additional models if any
6)Build the Beta 2
And then...F-14B, maybe.
And rest assured I plan to enjoy my holidays :-)
grande come sempre !!!
I must agree, VTOL functions is a "crap-stuff" without native support of the FS.
But carrier ops. brings a lot of fun to simmers, sadly to say, but possible excluding of CV(35C)from the list will also breaks the traditions of your excellent Tomcat and Goshawk.
Anyway,thanks for the reply and happy holidays :-)
Perhaps a combination of a normal VC collimated image of the conformal HUD symbology (pitch ladder, velocity vector) and a 2D HUD with general data like speed, alt, nozzle direction, weapons etc, would be the closest to the real F-35 HMD experience :)
All, rest assured that the VTOL and CV variants are being considered.
I know it would be cool, but there are some difficulties in doing it. Most important, I want to achieve a reasonable quality level (quality over quantity) so I will do it only if I am sure that the time needed will not impact the quality of the base package.
AFAIK a specific F-35B model is being developed by IRIS...so, there will be a good one in the market. I'd like to do my version, if I ever find the time, as my graphic style is different from IRIS (which btw I appreciate) and it would be cool to have a complete JSF package.
If I do it may well be "non functional" (non-VTOL) plane, consider it an "added bonus".
Still, fuselage/engine/canopy are very different from the F-35A.
@ neutrino
The combination you mentioned is exactly what I had in mind... but I need to make some tests.
First thing is complete the model of the cockpit and complete the MFD.
Hi Dino C.,
I, too, am very pleased with the progress on this project and the various inputs that users and others have suggested and you are implementing. I wouldn't mind waiting for a later release to the project, especially if it means adding the B & C models, but I know you've got your own plans. I would ask, however, if you would mind me adding FSX Acceleration Launch/Tailhook settings to your AA-1 release? (That is, if you release the B & C separately).
Also, I would like to have the Helmet mounted display toggleable, by use of the SHIFT + "?" function keys with NVG capabilities. Are you able to do that?
Next, will you be able to customize the models HOTAS Force Feedback settings to function like the real aircraft's? And enable automatic motion when the Auto throttle is engaged, etc.?
Finally, if after this project is done and you work on the F-14B, would you kindly fix the current F-14D's flying characteristics to match the actual aircraft's, some VC visual bugs, as well as all the NON-functioning VC things like MFD buttons, wing sweep lever/indicator, etc.
Grazie Mille!
James F. Chams
Dino C.,
Oh! Before I forget ... have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family.
God Bless!
James F. Chams
@ James F. Chams
Thanks for the greetings - my best wishes for a merry Christmas.
As for the F-35:
The AA-1, AF-1 and F-35 will have an emergency tailhook. You might add the cat functionality - even if I am still hoping to find the time to make the F-35C
Don't expect too much from the HMD :-)...definitely NVG is beyond my knowledge. In general for the HMD I have some ideas - but I haven't implemented anything so far.
Unfortunately my experience with force feedback is not really positive. So, the stick I am using does not have it. Lacking the hardware, I usually employ default settings. Maybe someone will come out with good settings during the Beta test.
I have to confess there is something I do not understand completely in the way FSX handles the autothrottle (and some other autopilot functions)... the function you mention is one of those I am unable to replicate.
Well, the F-14B addon will be preceded by a clean-up of the F-14D - of course.
If you have the time, I would appreciate a detailed list of the defects you are experiencing. Some bugs may be flying under my radar.
@All The F-14d "search for bugs" is, needless to say, open to anyone. I will make a post later on.
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The shape of the MFD is not correct in the first image. The bottom of the MFD should be straight across. What you have modeled is the protective cover on top of the MFD so workers do not damage the display while working in the cockpit.
Thank u :) check out that emo boy style over this blog:
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