Above are two in game screenshots of the F-35A Lighting II project I am working on. As you can see, the external model is almost complete - there is some minor "cleaning" to be done here and there, but it is done. While it is an highly detailed model, the graphics performance is not bad - in fact it is slightly better than the Tomcat. At present, the model depicts the AA-1 development bird, meaning the first "F-35" (and not X-35) even built. At the moment I am writing it is also the only CTOL bird actually flying, as all the other prototypes undergoing flight test are F-35Bs (VTOL). The only major "artistic licence" so far is that the if you open the weapon bays, you can see two AIM-120 and two JDAMs - but all the pictures I've seen so far of the AA-1 were showing mock ordnance.
The design of the real AA-1 has been subject to major weight-saving oriented improvements, so that the AF-1 and following CTOL prototypes will have a number of design changes. While, at present, AF-1 has been "rolled out" several months ago there are not many pictures of it on the internet, but its first flight should not be too distant... so that more information will be available - the plan being, of course, add the AF-1 to the package (or a "production" model). A third model would be a production model with external loads (there are pictures of a BF bird on the gorund with a pretty impressive loadout).
At present, my project will be focused on the F-35A - and my current target is complete the AA-1 model. While the F-35B (VTOL) is an extremely interesting machine, I am not currently working on it - mainly because IRIS is working on such model and because I prefer quality to quantity - considering I am a one-man team it is mandatory to keep the size of the project reasonable.
While it may not be evident at first sight, the F-35B fuselage is much different from the F-35A.Nose, wings and tails are almost identical - but almost everything else is different.
On the opposite, the CATOBAR F-35C fuselage geometry is close to the F-35A (main differences being the modifications to the nose gear, refuel probe and tail hook) but the wing is completely different: it is much bigger, and has a folding mechanism and spoilers.
So, making the -B and -C models starting from what I have would be surely doable - but it would require some major redesign of several areas so, for the moment, I am sticking to the F-35A - and I will do my best to achieve a good quality level on that before making any further step.
great !!!!!
scusa ma questo aereo è predisposto per le operazioni con portaerei?
No - almeno non lo specifico modello che sto realizzando, ovvero l'F-35A.
In estrema sintesi:
F-35A è la versione a decollo convenzionale e con cannone interno (con bocca di fuoco "a scomparsa"). Diciamo che è il futuro successore dell'F-16 - e in Italia anche di AMX e Tornado; Il "bulbo" sotto il motore ospita un gancio d'arresto di emergenza per piste convenzionali (come l'F-16)
F-35B è la variante a decollo corto/atterragio verticale e andrà a sostituire gli Harrier - e andrà a popolare,in Italia, la nave Cavour.
F-35C è la variante CATOBAR ovvero per portaerei convenzionali. Il carrello anteriore è rinforzato a doppio ruotino e con barra di lancio, c'è un robusto gancio "navale" e l'ala è radicalmente diversa (assai più ampia, ripiegabile e dotata di spolier) per consentire gli appontaggi. Al momento l'unico cliente è la US Navy - ma pare ci sia anche un interesse Britannico...
Io, almeno per ora, sto modelllando l'F-35A.
JSF-A AA-1 intake howl afterburner takeoff video: http://www.jsf.mil/video/f35test/F_35_AA1_AB_TO.wmv
Mr. Dino Cattaneo,
Thank you for the update and am looking forward to this model, very much so. I'll be getting your F-35 for sure; and, if you want to make three versions and charge for them seperately, that's fine with me. Like you, I prefer quality and functionality over quantity and "time-saving" low-authenticity shortcuts.
Also, are you still "Fixing" or making modifications to the F-14D v1.07? I will send you an email with a few "issues" later. If you can fix them when you have the time, I would much appreciate it.
Grazie! :)
James Chams
scusa se non è in tema, io volevo sapere come posso fare a far atterrare un cessna gran caravan con cavi d'arresto e catapulte(o accelleration)
mi va bene anche se il gancio non si vede, basta che il smulatore creda che c'è
Mr. francesco,
This weekend I'll make that (Cessna Grand Caravan with cables stopping and catapults (or Acceleration)) for you and post it HERE: [url=http://x-plane.org/home/JamesChams/AI_Carrier_Addon_Aircraft_Configurations.txt]Aircraft AI Carrier Configurations v1.5 by James F. Chams[/url]
James Chams
Thanks James
As for further F-14 fix/updates there are two "problems": the first, and main, is finding the time to do them. The second is that, apparently, some bugs (or unknown limitations) of the SDK seem to create major issues on complex model in which some functions do not work for no apparent reason (e.g. the INOP MFD buttons: I am sure the code is 100% correct)
I already have a pretty long list of fixes/improvements... but I'll surely appreciate any further input.
In short - at present I am 100% committed to deliver the F-35. Then I'll probably make a round of fixes to the Tomcat.
Thank you Mr. Dino Cattaneo!
I understand that the F-35 is now your priority... However, I will send you the .MDL "visual issues" info via email shortly and whenever you can do a fix for it, that would be fine.
Mr. francesco,
I created the FSX Launch/Trap AICarriers features for the Cessna Grand Caravan 208B for it to Take-off & Land from the FSX Acceleration Carriers/AICarriers, that you requested.
DOWNLOAD IT (Aircraft AI Carrier Configurations v1.6 by James F. Chams) HERE:http://x-plane.org/home/JamesChams/AI_Carrier_Addon_Aircraft_Configurations.txt
Enjoy! :)
Ciao, grazie
Thank you for the work on the gran caravan ;)
Your very welcome, Mr. francesco!
James Chams
\o/ duuuuude... i need it!
Great aircraft.
DOWNLOAD IT (Aircraft AI Carrier Configurations v1.7 by James F. Chams) HERE:
Enjoy! :)
That is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!
Can't wait to download it, where will you be uploading it to????
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