Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Project Update: F14D, F-35 and S-3

Time for a quick updateon my projects - just few words to tell you where I am...

F-35 Lightning II project

I am working on an update which will introduce several fixes and improvements for all users (and will, by the way, introduce the AF-01 and BF-01 paint schemes)... Also, ordnance models have been changed to VRS-Tacpack standard. The Tacpack support will be the biggest thing in this upgrade.
At the moment, CONFIRMED Tacpack features (which means they are working as I speak) are:
- Gun A/A (Funnel and Gun Director) and A/G (CCIP and Manual) 
- AIM-9X Boresight Visual launch
- AIM-120C Boresight Visual launch
- JDAMs and JSOW, release only, no guidance
- GBU-10 and GBU-12, CCIP release only
- Dumb bombs: MK-82, MK-83 and MK-84 CCIP release only
- Night Vision Goggles
- In-Flight Refuel
- In-game weapons configurator

I am working to add other features... but they may be left out for a future update. Time is the main constraint...

F-14D Tomcat project

Much like for the F-35, there is an update coming for the F-14D too. Some bug fixes and improvements for all user, including new textures and weight-depending ordnance... and a (limited) support for the Tacpack.
At the moment, CONFIRMED Tacpack features (which means they are working as I speak) are:

- Gun A/A (Gun Director) and A/G (CCIP and Manual) 
- AIM-9M Boresight Visual launch
- JDAMs, release only, no guidance
- GBU-10 and GBU-12, CCIP release only
- Dumb bombs: MK-82, MK-83 and MK-84 CCIP release only
- Night Vision Goggles
- In-Flight Refuel
- In-game weapons configurator

AIM-7C Boresight Visual (FLOOD) mode and AIM-54C Boresight Visual mode (VERY RISKY!!!) will be added before release for sure. I am working to add other features... but, also in this case, they may be left out for a future update.

S-3B Viking

Just a picture to show you how the visual model is coming... Virtual cockpit, flight model, etc. etc. not yet started... So we are talking about a October/November release in the best case.
Model will have weight dependent loadouts - as well as Tacpack support (In-flight refuel - including tanking role - and dumb bombs and Harpoon release)...

Comments and suggestions are welcome!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Projects update (good news and bad news)...

Time for a (quick) project update... Good news and bad news. Let's start with the bad news first: I am late with almost all of my projects... I do not have much time for them, and, apart of my "real world" business schedule, I am spending most of my spare time at the beach.
Second, I have decided to pursue a closer intergration with the Tacpack - which basically means that there will be an unique update for both the Tacpack and non-Tacpack users... BUT it cannot be released until the Tacpack itself is updated to the next release (which I have been told it is "imminent")...on the good side, projects are looking quite good.
Here is the current status:

Most of the fixes/improvements I had in mind are aleady in place... the main thing is to complete the Tacpack integration (there will be a limited support of all the A/A ordnance as well as basic A/G release capability). It may be ready by the end of the month or early August... but it will be necessary to wait for the Tacpack update (if only beacuse it the weapons 3d models are the VRS ones).

Well, I'd say it is almost  done, but I am keep on adding more and more stuff...also in this case the the main thing is to complete the Tacpack integration, since many of the planned improvements are already there. Needless to say it will be be necessary to wait for the Tacpack update (if only because it the weapons 3d models are the VRS ones).

No update planned, although it would be possible, with Tacpack, to have a more complete gun simulation and working rockets... but that is not a priority.

I have not posted an update in a while, but the project is (slowly) moving forward. The outer model should be complete in September (hopefully). This will be Tacpack compatbile too, and should be able to drop bombs, harpoons and act as tanker.

Feedback is welcome, as usual. And If you are on Facebook, you may want to like my page... I've been posting there it more often than on the blog, lately.

Monday, July 1, 2013

F-14D Feedback for the future Update

As always, I am struggling to find the time to work on my FSX project, which as you know include continuous upgrade to my existing aicrafts as well as working on new ones (S-3B Viking being the current project).
Lately I've spent most of my time working to upgrade the F-35, but I also made continuos improvements to the F-14, as of today unreleased.
Here is the list of changes I am working on and their status - if you have suggestions, bug reports or requests, please leave a comment to this post.

Mistake in tail hook geometry (hollow hook instead of solid one) - Status: Closed. Fixed in latest, unreleased model build.

Misalignment of taileron pivot point and the fuselage textures - Status: Closed. Fixed in the latest, unreleased model.

Misplacement of textures in the fuselage, nearby crew access ladder - Status: Closed. Fixed in the latest, unreleased model.

Addition of new texture sets - Status: Closed. Added VF-2 159630 and VF-213 164348 courtesy of Jiri Soukup. Addition of other liveries under evaluation.

Addition of working Multi-Status Indicator to VC - Status: Open. MSI is working for A-A missiles, needs code for other ordnance.

Addition of variable, weight-dependent loadouts - Status: Open. Added Sidewinders, Sparrows and Phoenixes; GBU-31, GBU-12 and Lantirn planned but not implemented yet.
Limited Integration of Tacpack features - Status OPEN. Due to the lack of time and resources, only a small fraction of the Tacpack functionalities will be supported. Details of supported features as follows.

GUNS - Working, but no gun-director features are planned at the moment. Addition of other features under evaluation.

AIM-9 - Provisions for visual launch only, working and tested.

AIM-7 - No support planned. User will be able to jettison or fire the weapon, but target will not be acquired. Integrated, but almost useless.

AIM-54 - No support planned. User will be able to jettison or fire the weapon, but target will not be acquired. Not integrated yet.

GBU-31 - No support planned. User will be able to jettison or release the weapon, but target will not be acquired. Not integrated yet.

GBU-12 - No support planned. User will be able to jettison or fire the weapon, but target will not be acquired. Not integrated yet.

IN-FLIGHT REFUEL - Implemented but not tested.

ECM JAMMER - Implemented but not tested

NIGHT VISION GOGGLES -Implemented, working fine

CHAFFS/FLARES - Not implemented yet