Friday, March 2, 2012

F-35A External weapons

Above is the "new" you can see it is mostly the same as the previous version. There are some subtle changes to the textures, minor geometry fix and some optimizations here and there.

Here is a picture of the "final" -A model. The new 3D model is much more accurate...but less efficient in terms of frame rates. Models with external loads are, of course, "heavier" in terms of geometry, so users with slower systems should see a better performance without external loads.

Another shot of the new F-35A model

I think the F-35A is ready for Beta testing. Hopefully, during the next weekend I should be able to compile the versions with the various loadouts. I will post the instructions on how to apply to for the Beta once they are ready.

1 comment:

  1. Those JDAMs look really cool! And Lockheed Martin posted a video about external stores today too: ...but for B model. Keep up the good work.
