Tuesday, February 21, 2012

F-35A USAF Markings

Another quick update to show you what will be the USAF markings (based on actual photos of the first aicraft delivered to Eglin AFB)... Then, there will soon be good news for those waiting to hover in an F-35B. Carrier version is also in the works, but needs much more work than I expected...


  1. Good news on your progress Dino. You may be interested in this view of the F-35C BAE UK simulator during carrier landing with the HUD on view: http://imagegallery.baesystems.investis.com/popups/downloaditem.aspx?itemid=4187

  2. I had given up hope on the F-35 being improved until I heard from http://flightsimulatornewsbrief.blogspot.com that you were back. Many, many thanks now that I have read your updates.

    My ideal pricepoint for the F-35A/B/C with hopefully some more external loads like say the Next Generation Jammer, J-SOWs & AIM-120s... plus an external gun for the B & C... and until TacPack integration... say $50 USD.
