Monday, October 15, 2018


As some of you have requested it, here is the paint kit for the payware F-35 Lightning II.

Files are provided in layered PSD format as follows (layer structure top to bottom):
- Ambient Occlusion: multiply layer that superimposed the precalculated ambient occlusion shadows
- GreyToneForMarkings: darken layer to set the brightest grey tone in the livery. This was introduced to dim all the markings as they were too bright.
- Nation specific color: normal layer with the full livery; a sample for each nation is provided. All layers are blanked by default. You can delete the portions you do not need and merge it with the base color layer below.
- Base color: clean livery with only base markings for servicing.

These files are provided for free to repainters ONLY to create new liveries for the F-35.
Any other usage of these files, included but not limited to, applying these texture to other F-35 models is prohibited.
Repaints created with this package can be freely distributed

As usual you can download it by clicking HERE or from the menu on the side bar.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. the link to the paint kit gives me an error is there something I'm doing wrong here
