RELEASED ON: 20/10/2018
RELEASED ON: 20/10/2018
RED - High priority change - this is can be considered a major defect by most users. All "Red" issues must be addressed or mitigated before the product release.
YELLOW - Medium priority change - some users may perceive these issues as a significant product defect. All "Yellow" issues should be addressed or mitigated before the product release.
GREEN - Low priority change - a very limited number of users may perceive this as a product defect. These issues shall be documented and dealt with if possible. Also, change requests or proposals implemented.
BLUE - Suggestions for changes, additions or improvements.
LIGHT GRAY - Change request rejected -> this means that, in reply to a bug report, we have checked the product against the design intent and/or the flight manual and we do not think that the product is defective. This is left in the bugs list just for reference to other testers.
LIST UPDATED ON 1211/2018 01:30 AM CET
PROGRESS: 92% :-) !
EX001 - Suggestion to add Mouse Areas to external model to open doors / fold wings / rotodome activation (will work only on later versions of P3D) -> Implemented on C-2
EX002 - C-2 Models, exhaust on left side has missing cap end geometry. Action: fix 3D model - fixed in Beta 2 model
EX003 - C-2 Models. wire antenna not attached to vertical stabilizer: Action: fix 3D model - Fixed in Beta 2 model
YELLOW - Medium priority change - some users may perceive these issues as a significant product defect. All "Yellow" issues should be addressed or mitigated before the product release.
GREEN - Low priority change - a very limited number of users may perceive this as a product defect. These issues shall be documented and dealt with if possible. Also, change requests or proposals implemented.
BLUE - Suggestions for changes, additions or improvements.
LIGHT GRAY - Change request rejected -> this means that, in reply to a bug report, we have checked the product against the design intent and/or the flight manual and we do not think that the product is defective. This is left in the bugs list just for reference to other testers.
LIST UPDATED ON 1211/2018 01:30 AM CET
PROGRESS: 92% :-) !
EX001 - Suggestion to add Mouse Areas to external model to open doors / fold wings / rotodome activation (will work only on later versions of P3D) -> Implemented on C-2
EX002 - C-2 Models, exhaust on left side has missing cap end geometry. Action: fix 3D model - fixed in Beta 2 model
EX003 - C-2 Models. wire antenna not attached to vertical stabilizer: Action: fix 3D model - Fixed in Beta 2 model
EX004 - E-2 Models. wire antenna not attached to horizontal stabilizer: Action fix 3D model - Fixed in Beta 2 model
EX005 - Flap clip exhaust at maximum deflection: Action fix 3D models - Fixed in Beta 2 model
EX006 - E-2 Models, aileron actuation mechanism not attached to wings: Action fix 3D model - Fixed in Beta 2 model.
EX007 - Tire texture is interrupted, need rework. - Fixed on all models.
EX008 - Underwing USN Roundel on E-2 model upside down. - Fixed in Beta 2 textures
EX009 - Request to add "jury strut" to the model -> IN PROGRESS: Implement on C-2, will work on the E-2 next. - Applied to all models.
EX007 - Tire texture is interrupted, need rework. - Fixed on all models.
EX008 - Underwing USN Roundel on E-2 model upside down. - Fixed in Beta 2 textures
EX009 - Request to add "jury strut" to the model -> IN PROGRESS: Implement on C-2, will work on the E-2 next. - Applied to all models.
EX010 - Request to allow the opening of the E-2 rear hatch -> Implemented on Beta 2
EX012 - Landing gear extension/retraction time appears too slow. Should be around 4 seconds, but check flight manual. - From E-2 Flight manual (Para 2.10.4 "Main Gear" and 2.10.5 "Nose Gear") "Time allowed for gear to retract is 10 seconds, and 15 seconds for the gear to extend." - current Landing gear cycle time is 7-8 seconds, therefore no action is taken. -> NO ACTION
EX013 - Wing folding too fast. Should be 18 seconds, versus the current 13. -> Fixed in Beta 2: set to 18 seconds. -> tweaks needed as it now also includes jury strut locking.
EX014 - Tail hook does not touch the ground. -> anmation capped by 3D model. Need to rework the gear first. -> FIXED on all models in Beta2.
EX015 - Rotating radome too fast (animation speed should be about half of the current one). -> Fixed in Beta 2: radome rotation speed halved.
EX016 - Pitch on the ground is too "nose down" with respect to actual pictures. IN PROGRESS - now slightly better on the C-2, E-2 not implemented yet. - Not completely fixed, but somewhat mitigated on all models.
EX017 - Number on nose gear door of VAW-123 texture is upside down - FIXED
EX018 - Mistake in the "WALK" engine texture on E-2 model. - FIXED and recompiled all engine nacelles textures.
EX019 - Light leakage on C-2 model when main gear doors are open
EX012 - Landing gear extension/retraction time appears too slow. Should be around 4 seconds, but check flight manual. - From E-2 Flight manual (Para 2.10.4 "Main Gear" and 2.10.5 "Nose Gear") "Time allowed for gear to retract is 10 seconds, and 15 seconds for the gear to extend." - current Landing gear cycle time is 7-8 seconds, therefore no action is taken. -> NO ACTION
EX013 - Wing folding too fast. Should be 18 seconds, versus the current 13. -> Fixed in Beta 2: set to 18 seconds. -> tweaks needed as it now also includes jury strut locking.
EX014 - Tail hook does not touch the ground. -> anmation capped by 3D model. Need to rework the gear first. -> FIXED on all models in Beta2.
EX015 - Rotating radome too fast (animation speed should be about half of the current one). -> Fixed in Beta 2: radome rotation speed halved.
EX016 - Pitch on the ground is too "nose down" with respect to actual pictures. IN PROGRESS - now slightly better on the C-2, E-2 not implemented yet. - Not completely fixed, but somewhat mitigated on all models.
EX017 - Number on nose gear door of VAW-123 texture is upside down - FIXED
EX018 - Mistake in the "WALK" engine texture on E-2 model. - FIXED and recompiled all engine nacelles textures.
EX019 - Light leakage on C-2 model when main gear doors are open
VC001 - Minor texture glitch in the PROP ANTI ICE gauge - FIXED PRIOR TO BETA RELEASE
VC003 - Autopilot (AFCS) Master Switch not clickable - FIXED PRIOR TO BETA RELEASE
VC005 - IFF panel not clickable
VC006 - Minor glitch in Oxy panel wathering effect.
VC007 - Suggestion to model the seat harnessings - IMPLEMENTED
VC008 - No controls in the cockpit to govern cargo doors opening or rotodome animation - FIXED PRIOR TO BETA RELEASE - added cargo door controls and rotating radome controls
VC009 - Oxygen Control Panel switches are not in flight condition. White lever should be in "normal", Green lever should be "on" : ACTION - either make them clickable or set them in flight condition. - FIXED 3D Model
VC010 - Request to add more external model geometry to VC (namely landing gear): ACTION - evaluate addition of missing geometry. - FIXED - Added Landing gear model to VC
VC011 - Landing checklist texture in cockpit is incorrect. ACTION - fix texture- FIXED texture sheet VC3
VC012 - Throttle levers do not go on reverse position. ACTION - fix animation sequence - FIXED animation sequence
VC012 - Throttle levers do not go on reverse position. ACTION - fix animation sequence - FIXED animation sequence
VC013 - Anti-collision switch does not turn off beacon light. ACTION - fix cockpit control - FIXED, lights were mapped to the incorrect control.
VC014 - Blurry texture reported in Aux Brake, NAV source, Wing Fold: ACTION - verify, seems an isolated case, textures are well readable on my system -> REJECTED. Texture and resolution is the same as the other textures. Likely to be a system-specific rendering issue.
VC015 - Left Oil Cooler Switch moves the Fuel GOV CHECK: Action Check -> Bug identified in custom part of modeldef.xml -> Need to rebuild. -> Fixed after rebuild
VC016 - Tank Interconnect switch shuts down left engine.
VC017 - Check Alt Hold functionality. - ALT HOLD functionality seems OK in Beta 2.
VC018 - OBS knob not operational in analog cockpits in FSX. REJECTED. OBS knob seems to work fine on all cockpits….
VC019 - Suggestion to have Control Columns visibility control. - IMPLEMENTED IN BETA 2
VC020 - Suggestion to have MFCDU as pop-up -> IMPLEMENTED. Pilot MFCDU is now a pop-up windows, and replaces the radio stack.
VC021 - L PRI PUMP OUT / R FEATHER check visibility condition -> Indentified multiple bugs in CAWS light and fixed them.
VC022 - Console rotary switch is working but not animated
VC023 - Check behavior of turn/slip indicator - FIXED see also AV007
VC024 - BFI Baro set out of its intended window -> Fixed, redone text placement and font implementation. Probably the same issue is present in the M-345 and in the F-35 (check) -> Fixed in Beta 2
VC025 - Check functionality of anti-ice switches (current model uses default implementation in modeldef.xml)
VC026 - G needle seems a little off. - REJECTED. After checking 3D model, needles are perfectly aligned. The incorrect reading is purely due to parallax.
VC027 - Port hole missing from cockpit model. - FIXED
VC028 - Need to fix reflection texture for digital displays. - FIXED
VC029 - Slip ball indicator in EFIS cockpits should be on the glass and not on the background. FIXED in Beta 2
VC030 - Color correction to parachute package in VC (greenish in reality) - FIXED
VC031 - Some markings missing in the VC rear area - FIXED
VC032 - Warning light should be steady and not blinking - FIXED
VC033 - Rudder limited should work down to 2 degrees above 200 kts - FIXED
VC034 - Copilot max rudder should indicate the rudder limiter position, not the actual rudder position.
VC035 - Check AoA indexer (blink vs steady) - FIXED. Implementation is now a little different from the flight manual, but more "standard" - if the aicraft is in a safe configuration for landing (flaps, hook down, gear locked) the indexer will be steady, otherwise it will blink.
VC036 - Check console flood switch tooltip (shows starter)
VC037 - Rudder limiter creates jittery animations. FIXED - implemented custom animation, jitter almost eliminated (but rudder animations will not work in multiplayer :-( )
VC026 - G needle seems a little off. - REJECTED. After checking 3D model, needles are perfectly aligned. The incorrect reading is purely due to parallax.
VC027 - Port hole missing from cockpit model. - FIXED
VC028 - Need to fix reflection texture for digital displays. - FIXED
VC029 - Slip ball indicator in EFIS cockpits should be on the glass and not on the background. FIXED in Beta 2
VC030 - Color correction to parachute package in VC (greenish in reality) - FIXED
VC031 - Some markings missing in the VC rear area - FIXED
VC032 - Warning light should be steady and not blinking - FIXED
VC033 - Rudder limited should work down to 2 degrees above 200 kts - FIXED
VC034 - Copilot max rudder should indicate the rudder limiter position, not the actual rudder position.
VC035 - Check AoA indexer (blink vs steady) - FIXED. Implementation is now a little different from the flight manual, but more "standard" - if the aicraft is in a safe configuration for landing (flaps, hook down, gear locked) the indexer will be steady, otherwise it will blink.
VC036 - Check console flood switch tooltip (shows starter)
VC037 - Rudder limiter creates jittery animations. FIXED - implemented custom animation, jitter almost eliminated (but rudder animations will not work in multiplayer :-( )
AV001 - Suggestion to use the Course Indicator Switch as GPS Drives NAV 1 switch - IMPLEMENTED PRIOR TO BETA RELEASE, testers please double-check.
AV002 - E-2C Radar Gauge: missing airplane symbol - Added in Beta 2
AV003 - E-2C Radar Gauge: missing flight plan - IMPLEMENTED PRIOR TO BETA RELEASE
AV004 - Evaluate possibility to add rotodome controls and link radar functions to rotodome activity (currently radar is always on)
AV005 - MFCDU Incomplete: non-operational modes should at least show a "INOP" page. FIXED
AV005 - MFCDU Incomplete: non-operational modes should at least show a "INOP" page. FIXED
AV006 - Operation of internal AoA Indexer is incorrect: ACTION, identified bug in ModelDef.XML, need to recompile VC models. - FIXED on Beta 2, recompiled models work fine.
AV007 - Turn coordinator and ball animation have incorrect behavior -> check modeldef implementation. -> Verify behavior of the ball, correct the implementation of the turn coordinator. Bugs in primary flight instrumentation have a high priority. - FIXED: reversed ball movement and linked animations of turn indicator to correct paramenter.
AV008 - TACAN frequency conversion to and from NAV1 leading to wrong values in some instances FIXED (note: bug may also be affecting F-35, Eurofighter and S-211!!!)
AV009 - When selecting a NAV frequency (either from MFCDU or knob), selection of NAV1 frequencies is inhibited - FIXED
AV010 - Implemented TACPACK TACAN (all models) - when TACAN or NAV1 are set to a Tacpack carrier vessel TACAN Frequency, pointer 1 on NAV instruments will indicate the carrier. Also carrier distance is reported by BDHI and EFIS
AV011 - Implemented TACPACK ILS (all models) - when a TACPACK carrier is detected, NAV2 frequencies are sweeped (as per Tacpack implementation) to identify the carrier ILS. Once the carrier ILS frequency is detected, the CDI and GSI will indicate deviations from carrier ILS. FMS and Pointer 1 are hijacked for the purpose on EFIS screen.
AV012 - Request to have special conditions when the aircraft is spawned on the ground or in the air, now set as follows:
If the aircraft spawns on the ground: Condition levers set to GND STOP, Parking brakes ON, Electical switches OFF, MFCDUs OFF, Fuel pumps OFF
If the aircraft spawns in mid air: Condition levers set to ON, Parking brakes off, Electrical switches ON, MFCDU ON, Fuel pumps ON
AV013 - Suggestion to implement a "ready to start" hot key following the "cold and dark" approach - Implemented Control+Shift+R for "Ready to Start Engines" and Control+Shift+O for Shutdown.
AV014 - Need to implement proper fuel feeding code after removal of default crossfeed functionality - ADDED custom code for fuel tank management.
AV015 - Need to implement flap first notch / wing fold lever interlock (in reality you must set flaps to 15° before commanding the wing folding) -> IMPLEMENTED. Flap lever now move automatically to first notch if wing fold lever is activated.
AV016 - Implement rudder limiter -> ADDED TO BETA 2
AV017 - Remove A/T controls from MFCDU (A/T not present) - REMOVED
AV018 - Autopilot MFCDU control do not ovveride mechanical switches -> better harmonize them for most users… -> IMPLEMENTED: MFCDU and Mechanical Switches now have the same authority.
AV008 - TACAN frequency conversion to and from NAV1 leading to wrong values in some instances FIXED (note: bug may also be affecting F-35, Eurofighter and S-211!!!)
AV009 - When selecting a NAV frequency (either from MFCDU or knob), selection of NAV1 frequencies is inhibited - FIXED
AV010 - Implemented TACPACK TACAN (all models) - when TACAN or NAV1 are set to a Tacpack carrier vessel TACAN Frequency, pointer 1 on NAV instruments will indicate the carrier. Also carrier distance is reported by BDHI and EFIS
AV011 - Implemented TACPACK ILS (all models) - when a TACPACK carrier is detected, NAV2 frequencies are sweeped (as per Tacpack implementation) to identify the carrier ILS. Once the carrier ILS frequency is detected, the CDI and GSI will indicate deviations from carrier ILS. FMS and Pointer 1 are hijacked for the purpose on EFIS screen.
AV012 - Request to have special conditions when the aircraft is spawned on the ground or in the air, now set as follows:
If the aircraft spawns on the ground: Condition levers set to GND STOP, Parking brakes ON, Electical switches OFF, MFCDUs OFF, Fuel pumps OFF
If the aircraft spawns in mid air: Condition levers set to ON, Parking brakes off, Electrical switches ON, MFCDU ON, Fuel pumps ON
AV013 - Suggestion to implement a "ready to start" hot key following the "cold and dark" approach - Implemented Control+Shift+R for "Ready to Start Engines" and Control+Shift+O for Shutdown.
AV014 - Need to implement proper fuel feeding code after removal of default crossfeed functionality - ADDED custom code for fuel tank management.
AV015 - Need to implement flap first notch / wing fold lever interlock (in reality you must set flaps to 15° before commanding the wing folding) -> IMPLEMENTED. Flap lever now move automatically to first notch if wing fold lever is activated.
AV016 - Implement rudder limiter -> ADDED TO BETA 2
AV017 - Remove A/T controls from MFCDU (A/T not present) - REMOVED
AV018 - Autopilot MFCDU control do not ovveride mechanical switches -> better harmonize them for most users… -> IMPLEMENTED: MFCDU and Mechanical Switches now have the same authority.
FM001 - Engine thrust seems low, takes a while to bring the A/C at high altitude -> CHANGE REQUEST REJECTED: At 40000 AUW the book says 3 minutes to 10,000 ft.
I got ours there in 2 minutes 50 seconds at 170 KIAS climbing speed and 39654 lbs at 10,000 ft.
Take-off ground roll is 2000ft at 40,000 lbs. Best I can see it should be 1500ft. NO CHANGE
FM002 - Reverse thrust seems low -> CHANGE REQUEST REJECTED: Full reverse thrust should give –1800 to –2000 lbs prop thrust per engine. Simulated reverse thrust is 2004 lbs -> NO CHANGE
FM003 - Engine power appear far too high. Keeping in mind that the 350 knots speed presented in figures should be true airspeed, not indicated airspeed. This goes together with the aircraft not slowing down properly on approach without flaps. On turboprops, the propellers will act like brake disks producing a huge amount of drag, slowing the aircraft quickly. This should be even more pronounced on the 4-blade props than on the NP2000, as the new propellers tend not to create the same amount of drag - but it all depends a bit on propeller RPM and blade angle as well. Will investigate further.
I got ours there in 2 minutes 50 seconds at 170 KIAS climbing speed and 39654 lbs at 10,000 ft.
Take-off ground roll is 2000ft at 40,000 lbs. Best I can see it should be 1500ft. NO CHANGE
FM002 - Reverse thrust seems low -> CHANGE REQUEST REJECTED: Full reverse thrust should give –1800 to –2000 lbs prop thrust per engine. Simulated reverse thrust is 2004 lbs -> NO CHANGE
FM003 - Engine power appear far too high. Keeping in mind that the 350 knots speed presented in figures should be true airspeed, not indicated airspeed. This goes together with the aircraft not slowing down properly on approach without flaps. On turboprops, the propellers will act like brake disks producing a huge amount of drag, slowing the aircraft quickly. This should be even more pronounced on the 4-blade props than on the NP2000, as the new propellers tend not to create the same amount of drag - but it all depends a bit on propeller RPM and blade angle as well. Will investigate further.
From Roy:The propellers at flight idle produce 3000 lbs thrust each. With this engine they never act as brake disks on the approach. To fly the correct approach speed and AOA you need flaps and a sizeable amount of power. On pistons the props produce negative thrust when the throttle is closed, not on this type of turboprop. The model actual top speed at 15000 ft for example is 194 Calibrated and 245 True which is below the Manual values. At sea level the speeds are very close. This is because the SHP is correct at sea level but drops quicker than the manual with altitude. I will test that in more detail and should be able to recover the correct amount of SHP drop with altiitude. By the manual it should be about the same at 15000 ft as it is at sea level because the compressor acts like a turbocharger. At the moment in the model it is 55% of the sea level value. -> (Dino - DECISION: NO CHANGE).
FM004 - The pitch in flight (level flight, 8000 ft during the test) appears much too high for a high-wing turboprop with straight wings and resembles more a swept-wing jet. I'd say, a bit extra lift in the aircraft.cfg file would do the trick.
Answer Pitch in level flight is Angle of Attack. In the cruise at 190 KIAS the C-2 AOA at around 43000lbs AUW is 15 units which = 3.4 degrees fuselage angle.
This is almost exactly what it is in the model. Lift coefficient was calculated from basic principles and the CL Max was calculated from flaps up stall speeds and knowledge the type of airfoil used. The CL/alpha slope was similarly calculated. Flap delta CL was again calculated and gives very close agreement with the Manual. Hence the landing speeds are within 3% of manual values. -> (Dino - DECISION: NO CHANGE).
FM005 - Basic empty weight for C-2 is incorrect. Typical empty weight with cargo crate (always monted) is around 38000 pounds. -> Fixed in Beta 2
FM006 - Implement suggestions for real-world aircrews.
FM005 - Basic empty weight for C-2 is incorrect. Typical empty weight with cargo crate (always monted) is around 38000 pounds. -> Fixed in Beta 2
FM006 - Implement suggestions for real-world aircrews.
MI001 - Sound files configuration: missing xc2b2shut.wav FIXED (wrong sound config); (texture) FIXED (wrong format); T6_15C_T.DDS FIXED (missing, added): Action, verify files list. - FIXED
MI002 - Duplicate sections in sound file (carrier trap, gyro sound, stall warning, AP Disengage)
MI003 - Gear Warning sound: check conditions and sound effect. - CHECKED conditions, slight changes to sound effect.
MI004 - Turbine sound volume too high in VC - Reduced internal engine sounds by -5dB
MI005 - Syntax error reported (seems harmless) -> Fixed. It caused an incorrect display in the MFCDU data entry mode in some instances.
MI006 - Fix ATC entries -> Fixed
MI007 - Request to add more cockpit views - IMPLEMENTED on Beta 2
MI008 - Need to revise the manual.
MI001 - Sound files configuration: missing xc2b2shut.wav FIXED (wrong sound config); (texture) FIXED (wrong format); T6_15C_T.DDS FIXED (missing, added): Action, verify files list. - FIXED
MI002 - Duplicate sections in sound file (carrier trap, gyro sound, stall warning, AP Disengage)
MI003 - Gear Warning sound: check conditions and sound effect. - CHECKED conditions, slight changes to sound effect.
MI004 - Turbine sound volume too high in VC - Reduced internal engine sounds by -5dB
MI005 - Syntax error reported (seems harmless) -> Fixed. It caused an incorrect display in the MFCDU data entry mode in some instances.
MI006 - Fix ATC entries -> Fixed
MI007 - Request to add more cockpit views - IMPLEMENTED on Beta 2
MI008 - Need to revise the manual.
Great news Dino! Looking forward to finally having decent E-2/C-2 models. I flew both aircraft in the 70's. I would be happy to assist in beta testing if you are interested.
ReplyDeleteGood Luck and best wishes.
I cannot express how happy this makes me as an avid flight simmer! Will you also include the versions with the new 8 bladed props as well?
ReplyDeleteOUTSTANDING...Old sailor here with 2 cats and 1 trap in the C-2 aboard the CV-83 on a VRC-30 COD...Also, as you know it brought the mail! Looking forward flying the old gal around the boat...
ReplyDeleteLongtime flightsimmer, former US Navy , airline pilot and flew on the C2. Would love to be a Beta Tester!
ReplyDeleteI flew two test flights today, in both the E-2 NP2000 and the C-2 analog. (Approximately 4 hours) I am testing in P3D 4.3. The main issues that I found were blurry/unclear textures.
ReplyDelete1. The Aux Brake "gauge" texture:
2. The NAV Source panel: (The lettering is barely readable in my sim)
3. The wing fold handle: (If I hadn't gone to the manual, I would have never found it)
On the Pilot's side overhead I identified two issues.
1. The left Oil Cooler switch moves the "Fuel GOV CHK" switch instead of the left Oil Cooler switch.
2. The "Tank Interconnect" (Fuel Crossfeed) switch shuts down the left engine. This was tested and cursed at in both flights.
(Both issues can be replicated by clicking on the switches)
Not sure if this is a bug or if it is dependant on Tacpack implementation, but AI Traffic is not showing on the "Radar" screen.
1. It would be nice to have a working FMC on one screen of the MFCDU.
2. Another nice to have item would be to have the waypoint names (I.E. "EDDYS") shown in the Radar/Moving Map screen. This would be the most helpful when flying the analog versions.
IN FSX acceleration pack
ReplyDeleteAfter 3 long flights and a dozen of carrier landing/TAG here's my review:
-I don't have any texture problems ( compare to the post above in p3dv4)
-I also have the two issues on the pilot overhead panel
""The left Oil Cooler switch moves the "Fuel GOV CHK" switch instead of the left Oil Cooler switch"" + "" The "Tank Interconnect" (Fuel Crossfeed) switch shuts down the left engine. This was tested and cursed at in both flights ""
-I don't know if it's me or a bug but on " alt hold " the airplane continue climbing at very (very) high rate and didn't stop climing at the altitude selected. Nav hold
-also confirm the OBS knob not operational on analog cockpit in FSX
-others problemes like the wire antenna not attached to the vertical stabilizer, were already point out
problems are for both version ( hawkeye/greyhound )
nothing more at that time, I'll continue testing it
Suggestions :
I also find nice if it has an FMC and waypoints shown in the radar
but I know it's complicated to add an FMC
nothing more at that time, will continue testing it, pleasur to fly it!
ReplyDelete1. Would be nice to be able to toggle control columns on and off.
2. The MFCDU's would make an excellent pop up. Both units at once.
ReplyDeleteDid also my first test flights. Prepar3d 4.3
1. On the annunciator panel (the right one with the green indicators) it shows me L PRI PUMP OUT and R FEATHER ARMED when I select the condition lever of the corresponding engine to feather and it stays on equal what I do. Only after reloading the aircraft it disappears. At power up it isn't shown.
2. TACAN does not work; I tried different channels with the tacpack carriers (choose the standard acceleration carrier which works fine on the VRS F-18 i.e.) but can't find it on any display in flightdeck
3. Catapult not working on the above mentioned carrier; I'm not able to arm/disarm the catapult (and with this not able to shoot it);
Beside of this, very nice to fly from handling side.
I also would be happy about the suggestions from Eric.
Kd rgds
@ All
ReplyDeleteThanks for your feedback - I will review it ASAP.
A couple of notes:
- Catapult/launch bar: there are no controls to lower the launch bar in the cockpit, but you can assign a key (or use the default assignment). I have tested both aicraft with Javier's Nimitz with Tacpack and they seem to work fine.
- TACAN not working: currently TACPACK TACANS ARE NOT SUPPORTED. TACPACK TACANS are a non-standard implementation. Tacan should still work fine as NAV1 replacement (on the equivalente frequencies)
- MULTIPLAYER NOT SHOWING: the radar gauge should show non-Tacpack multiplayer traffic...but has not been tested in that sense. Currently Tacpack target detection is not implemented.
ReplyDeleteHello Dino!
FSX SteamEdition
For a start I did some testflights around the airport yesterday evening. (about 2 hours all together up to now)
C-2A and E-2:
Turn and Slip Indicator:
The needle seems to indicate slip instead of turn rate.
The inclinometer-ball moves in the wrong direction.
e.g.: Needle comes back to center during a constant turn, when it should show, say, a constant 3° turnrate.
Full left rudder (while flying straight) - ball moves left (instead of right).
(on both gauges. Turn&Slip-Indicator and (lower edge of) Attidude-Indicator)
Gauge above Primary Flight Display?: Not exactly sure what it should show since it's not described in the manual.
-Looks and seems to act like a inclinometer but in the wrong direction. i.e.: left rudder - ball moves left instead of right.
If it's a turn indicator, the direction would be right, but it moves back to center during a constant turn (while it should indicate the turn rate). ???
Sound: On my 5.1 Soundsystem there's an extremely loud (more than normal, louder than in the outside-view and nerve-wrecking ;-) ) turbine-sound in the Cockpit from the rear-speakers. -Front left and front right only prop-sound and no turbine-sound at all. (Soundsystem otherwise works normel. (no fader or balance active))
All Aircraft:
AoA-Indexer seems to come on only in a very small range.
i.e.: Always off when fast; always off when slow, all chevrons illuminated (instead of yellow circle only) when on speed.
Great and obviously realistically flying Aircraft! :) Handles like it should according to it's looks. :) -On final I had to give the same quick and strong inputs to stay on course as you can see the real C-2 pilots do on videos.
Models and textures: Excellent.
I'll keep on testing!
Martin "Stinger" P.
Two small issues that I found later last night flying both the C-2 analog and E-2 NP2000 in P3Dv4.3.
ReplyDelete1. C-2 upper and lower switches animation moves very slow. Is the switch animation 1 to 1 with the hatch/door animation?
2. Console Lights rotary switch (Overhead) not animated but working.
ReplyDeleteThey are tied to slip (A:INCIDENCE BETA) as this is the default Modeldef implementation - will have a look at them.
As for the AoA -> see already accepted Issue
1 - actually yes, the cargo door switch movement is mapped 1:1 with the door animation.
2 - will check
Can someone tell me how to activate auto throttle? I have no problems with autopilot otherwise. However AT shows OFF in the MFCDU even with speed selected. Dont know if this is a bug or not. (Using P3Dv4.3)
ReplyDeleteAlso, the analog cockpit side panels and middle console are totally dark at night. Is it possible to provide additional lighting or are the panels supposed to be backlit? the overhead console lighting knob does not rotate when tried.
And general comment to Dino...very much appreciated to my surprise that if I click on the external model doors and cargo doors they open and close. :) Nice touch.
ReplyDeleteSorry for posting the AoA-issue. -Failed to see it was accepted yet.
Sim: FSX Steam Edition
Since I'm still using the hat-switch to look around, and an assigned button to recenter view, I regularly add a custom virtual cockpit view to the aircraft I often fly. So the view is perfectly set a soon as I hit the recenter-button. -Makes life a lot easier during CASE 1-approaches. :-) (TrackIR will find me in the near future. :D ;) )
-I just added...
Title = MY Virtual Cockpit
Guid = {CF9B2830-4D93-4B3D-80B7-397023667D13}
Description = This is the description of the virtual cockpit view.
Origin = Virtual Cockpit
MomentumEffect = Yes
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = False
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = False
Track = None
ShowAxis = YES
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = 0.6
SmoothZoomTime = 2.0
ZoomPanScalar = 1.0
ShowWeather = Yes
XyzAdjust = TRUE
Category = Cockpit
InitialXyz = 0.000, 0.000, 0.000
InitialPbh = 15.000, 0.000, 0.000
Title = "MY Right Seat"
Guid = {E025E9FE-3CC2-4801-845D-4B050C9B3D26}
Origin = Virtual Cockpit
MomentumEffect = Yes
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = False
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = False
Track = None
ShowAxis = FALSE
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = 0.6
SmoothZoomTime = 2.0
ZoomPanScalar = 1.0
ShowWeather = Yes
XyzAdjust = TRUE
Category = Cockpit
InitialXyz = 0.900, 0.000, 0.000
InitialPbh = 15.000, 0.000, 0.000
//-------------------------------------------------- the Aircraft-files, and it works great. (FSX:SE, FullHD-resolution)
Info for the other sim-pilots here reading this:
Titel: Whatever you like!... Pilot, CoPilot; Me, Wife/Girlfriend... :D ;)
Guid: You can get unique - as the name implies - guids at a guid generator website. -Just google "guid generator".
Initial Zoom: Sets the zoom-factor
Hotkey: 1 is for F9-key, 2 is for F10-key (e.g. Pilot CoPilot)
InitialXyz: Eye-Position inside aircraft. (0.0 0.0 0.0 usually is Pilot's position; 0.9 0.0 0.0 means 0.9 meters to the right)
IntialPbh: Viewing direction. - Pbh=PitchBankHeading (15.0 0.0 0.0 is 15° down, no bank, heading straight ahead)
Thank you very much for including me. As a repainter I tend to look at textures first so a couple comments there.
ReplyDelete- There is some distortion of the nose number below the windscreen on the Japanese C-2.
- The Israel scheme was a two-tone gray in same colors as their F-15s.
Maybe you have two but if so they are too similar.
- All models need the underwing wingfold hooks added so the retracted wings can attach to the spikes at front of the tail assembly. This is necessary to take the heavy weight off the wing fold mechanism. The flaps also automatically drop to first notch when the wings are folded exposing red area. I will email you images of this today.
- Maybe it is already there but I didn't notice. We need to be able to open the rear hatch (upper right fuselage below rotodome) for carrier launch and recovery. And add it to the checklist. If you listen to landing recordings you will hear it mentioned. It is the only way out in an emergency for the folks in the back.
- Would be nice to have the rotodome spin. It goes around about six (6) times a minute. You'll really appreciate the Aéronavale and VAW-123 schemes with that feature.
Made a nice approach, go-around, and navy-style (constant curve to final) landing on the Big-E in the C-2. Very satisfying. More to follow as I dig deeper.
Frank, look by your left elbow in the VC. There are switches for Radome (E-2) and Rear hatches (C-2)
ReplyDeleteHi Dino!
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, thanks for being on the team and thank you for another two great model!
Now to the (constructive) critics ;-) :
After watching several videos and documentaries on both types and after flying the E-2C (NP2000; French Navy) and ground testing the C-2A(R) (Providers) - all in FSXA, this is what I found so far:
1) landing gear extension and retraction appears a bit too slow. From the videos, it should be 4 seconds for retraction of the main gear and a bit more on the nose gear. Extension is only very slightly faster.
2) The radome is rotating too fast. I figuered 5 seconds for one revolution, making it 12 revolutions per minute. As previously mentioned, it should be 6 revolutions per minute, making it 10 seconds for one round.
3) Wing folding is too fast, the real aircraft takes about 18 seconds for the process, the current model takes about 13.
4) When I went into single engine work, on the E-2C (NP2000) the props did not feather when the engine speed lever was pulled into reverse and the RPM indication stood at 100%. That is on both engines. Haven't tested the other engine/aircraft combinations on that yet. Will investigate further.
5) Engine power appear far too high. Keeping in mind that the 350 knots speed presented in figures should be true airspeed, not indicated airspeed. This goes together with the aircraft not slowing down properly on approach without flaps. On turboprops, the propellers will act like brake disks producing a huge amount of drag, slowing the aircraft quickly. This should be even more pronounced on the 4-blade props than on the NP2000, as the new propellers tend not to create the same amount of drag - but it all depends a bit on propeller RPM and blade angle as well. Will investigate further.
6) The pitch in flight (level flight, 8000 ft during the test) appears much too high for a high-wing turboprop with straight wings and resembles more a swept-wing jet. I'd say, a bit extra lift in the aircraft.cfg file would do the trick.
7) The pitch of the aircraft (both types) when sitting on the ground appears too much nose down when compared to RW pictures. This is even more pronounced when the engines are running (even in low idle - compare to point 6). When you pull only slightly into reverse, you see the nose come up quite a bit. Also the tailhook does not tuch the ground when lowered.
8) I second the o0bservations regarding the AOA indexer. As this is the primary flight instrument for carrier landings, it should give proper indications at least when the gear is down. I believe it is flashing with the by-pass switch in FIELD position and is on constantly with the switch in CARRIER position.
9) The anti-ice switches show a bit of a strange behaviour, as I could flick them on individually, but they would come off together (engine, wing prop) when flicking a single switch and only the pitots would stay on.
10) I did observe the anti-collision light switches not actually turning the lights off when selected.
11) The nav lights (wing-tip -> in FSXA) show outside their housings. Actually they appear just to be too far outside. They also do not turn off when the aircraft is powered down.
S1) Any chance to get an APU like on you S-3 - at least for the C-2 (it's installed under the cockpit). I am not sure if there is an APU installed on the E-2 at all, though.
S2) Any chance the lower cargo ramp of the C-2 could be stopped in 2 positions? One flat with the cargo deck and one completely lowered, as it is now. I have seen the aircraft taxi around a lot with the lowered ramp (to deck level only) and also doing parachute ops with the ramp flat with the deck.
That's all for this morning!
Keep it up!
@ Eric
ReplyDeleteAutothrottle is not active in the current implementation - there are provisions for it in the code but the autothrottle arm is missing. Should work if you assign a key to it.
@ Frank
Japanese livery - there is little I can do about this due to the way textures are laid at the moment, I'll see what I can do.
Israeli livery - you are right for earlier E-2 camo, it was in two tones. Later all E-2 were converted to a single tone grey.
Underwing hooks / Jury strut - I'll have a look... it is quite a bit of work for a feature which is not essential during flight.
Rear hatch opening - at the moment, on the E-2 model, only the main door opens.
1) landing gear extension and retraction appears a bit too slow. - > will check
2) The radome is rotating too fast. -> will check
3) Wing folding is too fast, the real aircraft takes about 18 seconds for the process, the current model takes about 13. -> will check
4) When I went into single engine work, on the E-2C (NP2000) the props did not feather when the engine speed lever was pulled into reverse and the RPM indication stood at 100%. -> SEE PRODUCT MANUAL, due to FSX feather implementation you have to manually lower the RPM with control+F2
5) Engine power appear far too high. Keeping in mind that the 350 knots speed presented in figures should be true airspeed, not indicated airspeed. -> Double checked the Roy, currently power output of the engine is correct.
6) The pitch in flight (level flight, 8000 ft during the test) appears much too high for a high-wing turboprop with straight wings and resembles more a swept-wing jet. I'd say, a bit extra lift in the aircraft.cfg file would do the trick. -> Will check with Roy.
7) The pitch of the aircraft (both types) when sitting on the ground appears too much nose down when compared to RW pictures. This is even more pronounced when the engines are running (even in low idle - compare to point 6). When you pull only slightly into reverse, you see the nose come up quite a bit. -> understand...I will check. Gear behavior seems good (meaning, no bumps, good landing beavior etc.) so changes must be carefully evaluated.
7b) Also the tailhook does not tuch the ground when lowered. Accepted.
8) I second the o0bservations regarding the AOA indexer. As this is the primary flight instrument for carrier landings, it should give proper indications at least when the gear is down. I believe it is flashing with the by-pass switch in FIELD position and is on constantly with the switch in CARRIER position. -> Bug accepted
9) The anti-ice switches show a bit of a strange behaviour, as I could flick them on individually, but they would come off together (engine, wing prop) when flicking a single switch and only the pitots would stay on. -> will double check, however FSX does not have full implementation of anti-ice
10) I did observe the anti-collision light switches not actually turning the lights off when selected. -> already accepted
11) The nav lights (wing-tip -> in FSXA) show outside their housings. Actually they appear just to be too far outside. -> This was done on purpose as to avoid weird visual effects in FSX/P3D due to different lighting engine.
They also do not turn off when the aircraft is powered down. -> standard FSX implementation, requires additional custom code.
ReplyDeleteHello Dino!
Concerning Turn Indicators:
They are tied to slip (A:INCIDENCE BETA) as this is the default Modeldef implementation - will have a look at them.
-Just had a look at some Turn Indicator *.xml-files:
They all have (A:Delta heading rate,rpm) in them.
I guess A:INCIDENCE BETA is for the inclinometer-ball (slip), and A:DELTA HEADING RATE,RPM steers the needle (turn rate).
ReplyDeleteI am currently travelling for business, but I have added the issue in the bugs list. Incorrect behavior of primary flight instruments is a high priority bug.
Just loaded up FSX/A and the C-2 N2000 at NAS Corpus Christi for my first test flight. While looking around the cockpit to familiarize myself I'm looking up at the overhead (mapped and HotKeySelect) my aircraft though idle is running away even with throttle in ground idle. I clicked on engine idle switches but at first seeming to do the trick, I look away and it runs away again. I know that FSX/A doesn't behave like it should with turboprops from all the time I have used it, any suggestions? Aircraft cfg scalar??? Will be doing some air time in a little while doing some TAGs first and then an hour or two of flying. I just read all the comments above. I love the interior and exterior of both.
ReplyDeleteDino, how hard would it be to have the parking brake set (On) when starting? Is this even an option?
ReplyDeleteJust finished all four versions on the ground. I installed Rob Barendreght's Pushback/taxi gauge to see if that would solve the runaway problem. No such luck. Both the Greyhound and the Hawkeye in FSX/A runaway as soon as the parking brake is released. The gauge shows speed and the aircrafts are taxiing at 46 knots and still climbing when I shut them down. Ground idle switches on the panel don't stop the problem.
ReplyDeleteI'll have a look - I understand this may be extremely annoying and perceived as a major defec. However, in terms of in-flight speeds and behavior, the current flight model (including engine trust) is very close to the flight manual (less than 1% error) so any action should not affect the flight model IMHO.
It is actually very easy to implement, but (from Eurofighter experience) you need to be careful if your code does anything to the default setting upon loading it.
ReplyDeleteActually, at least in P3Dv4.3, on my machine just retarding the throttle 0 to 5-7% reverse with Ground Idle switch on keeps the Aircraft still (no acceleration)… will try in FSX/A later on tonight.
Went and checked out how my CH Products Yoke was mapped in FSX/A. Can't reverse the throttle it only goes down to ground idle and actually has to be clicked to go down further. Also the power levers do not map to the power lever on the CH Products Yoke and are only mouse clickable to move them. Mistake or design? Next, I find that the camera views in the aircraft.cfg are ok for outside views but there were no camera views for the virtual cockpit. I added the overhead; power levers and right seat. Work perfectly with hotkeyselect for one problem. None of the levers or switches are clickable in the camera views ONLY in hatswitch panning which gives distorted views especially of the right seat side of the overhead. I am not being critical at all of the aircraft but making my observations. In a complex aircraft like the C-2 and E2 one should be able to "HotKeySelect" camera views on the fly (no pun) since you have to do the work of both pilot and copilot unless you own something like MCE (Multicrew Experience) software to help. I am experienced in flying the A2A B-17G; iFly B737NG; FT E175 and Carenado aircraft that I could use camera views that could be number selected and controls clickable. My first observations. Gonna try and fly for an hour or so now in the C2.
ReplyDelete...first, it is TOTALLY OK to be "critical"! Criticism is always welcome: if it is constructive it is better - but even destructive ones are learning opportunities.
As for the power levers with CH products, I have no idea of what may be wrong... I have a Thrustmaster T16000 and no problem with it. There is nothing special in the power controls (although the animation is custom XML...but should not matter).
I'll have a look at additional camera views...theoretically they should be fully clickable (there is nothing in the C-2/E-2 build that should stop it) - if you are willing to send me the settings you are using it is fine. As I typically fly in VR, looking around it is not a big problem for me ;-)
First of all:
ReplyDelete1)In some page of the MFD i cannot return to the main page because there isn't the RTN button
2)The final approach speed of 100 Kts it's impossible to maintain...the airplane go down...
3)Single engine ops are good. Engine dead-leg dead is simulated very well.
First day of test...i'll continue with the test.
Bye Dino!
Thanks Dino,
ReplyDeleteI am going to try something in a little while and post here. I have a GOFLIGHT throttle quadrant that I am going to connect and see if that makes a difference in the throttles/power levers.
Now for the camera views:
Title = "MY Right Seat"
Guid = {E025E9FE-3CC2-4801-845D-4B050C9B3D26}
Origin = Virtual Cockpit
MomentumEffect = Yes
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = False
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = False
Track = None
ShowAxis = FALSE
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = 0.6
SmoothZoomTime = 2.0
ZoomPanScalar = 1.0
ShowWeather = Yes
XyzAdjust = TRUE
Category = Cockpit
InitialXyz = 0.900, 0.000, 0.000
InitialPbh = 15.000, 0.000, 0.000
Title = "Center Console"
Guid = {195EAB58-9E4A-2E2A-A34C-A8D9D948F078}
Origin = Virtual Cockpit
MomentumEffect = Yes
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = False
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = False
Track = None
ShowAxis = Yes
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = 0.5
SmoothZoomTime = 2.0
ZoomPanScalar = 1.0
ShowWeather = Yes
XyzAdjust = TRUE
Category = Cockpit
InitialXyz=0.7, -0.58, -0.31
InitialPbh=-58.0, 0, 0
Title = "Overhead Panel"
Guid = {4ca337db-ae88-4c5f-96ea-ddebbd2a86fe}
Origin = Virtual Cockpit
MomentumEffect = Yes
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = False
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = False
Track = None
ShowAxis = Yes
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = 0.5
SmoothZoomTime = 2.0
ZoomPanScalar = 1.0
ShowWeather = Yes
XyzAdjust = TRUE
Category = Cockpit
InitialXyz=0.7, -0.58, -0.31
InitialPbh=-58.0, 0, 0
My computer setup is not powerful enough to run VR or P3DV4 though I wish I could. I have a great time with my 26 inch monitor and ORBX in FSX/A flying though. I really hope that you can just look at the above and say "aha, that's why" and I will fix it. Thank you for letting me be a part of the beta team.
ReplyDelete1) To return to the main page you are supposed to use the CAT button. RTN is not present on all pages in reality (although I am considering adding them all the same)
2) Check your weight - 100 knots is the very minimum value (a/c almost empty) - landing speeds are very close to the real world flight manual (not reported in the sim flight manual :-S )
3) Another great job by Roy!
@Richard Lund
ReplyDeleteYou got two Hotkeys defined in your CameraDefinition.001. (1st and 4th line from bottom)
Furthermore I never tried to assign more than two hotkeys. -Only Pilot and Co-Pilot up to now. (T-45, F-14, some GA-Aircraft...) HotKeySelect=1 means "F9"-key and HotKeySelect=2 means "F10"-key! (see above) AFAIK only these two are possible (in FSX at least). -No Idea if HotKeySelect=7, 8 or 9 would work, and which key that would be on the keyboard. -The numbers in the code don't refer directly to the number-keys on the keyboard.
Kind regards,
ReplyDeleteSo far i have not noticed any F/M problems or V/C problems in terms of functionality apart from the ones already listed on the reporting page. I only have one suggestion which is:
In the release model it would be nice to have more default cockpit views because without a head tracking software or VR some of the panels and switches are hard to access for instance the IFF panel is somewhat difficult to read and the Prop de-ice panel on the right side of the cockpit.
Followup to my previous comment.
ReplyDeleteAn option to start the aircraft from Cold & Dark instead of having to run through the shutdown sequence once loaded into the simulation would be welcome. For instance a "Shift + (key)" panel which allows you to either set the aircraft in cold & dark, ready for taxi with most (not all) functions set, and ready for take off with everything ready straight off the bat.
Apart from that everything else is amazing and cannot wait for full release. :)
Hello everyone
ReplyDeleteFirst a big thank you to Dino, for his fantastic work!
It is with great pleasure that I test these two aircraft, on P3D V3.4 and especially the E2C of the French Navy.
After a few hours of flights and some landings on the Charles de Gaulles R91, I have no major problem to report.
Just the problem of maintaining altitude: "ALT HOLD" causes a dive until the crash of the plane.Should I activate an additional setting?
I noticed a position of the wing lights offset only on the E2C in VC view mode.
These two planes were missing a lot under FSX / P3DvX.
One word: BEAUTIFUL!
See you soon for more comments.
After I saw this here, I noticed that there were two HotKeySelect keys assigned. There IS no HotKeySelect=2 available in FSX but 4-9 can be assigned. They just need to be assigned in the Options Contols menu under key presses. Each of them is a number key on the keyboard. In the A2A B-17 we use all from 4-9 for different panels and different camera views as created by Paul Strogher aka Gypsy Baron for the 91st B-17s. He has done a lot for the FS community. I am hoping that Dino can solve the no click problem in the camera views because for all of us without Tracker IR or VR it makes it so much easier to fly. I actually just copied the Camera Views from the default Beech King Air 350 since those from the B-17 are not in the same spots.
Sim: FSX-SteamEdition
Just found a minor issue in the aircraft.cfg-files (sections where the liveries are defined):
The entries for atc_airline= and atc_flight_number= are missing.
So, for example the entry in the list of vLSO says "C-2A Greyhound, Aircraft #000" instead of showing the sidenumber of the aircraft. -Maybe other programs are using these entries too...?
[In the T-45's aircraft.cfg there's for example written: "atc_airline=NAVY" and "atc_flight_number=A150"]
I am asking someone with FSX/A to tell me what throttle they are using and if it will go down past flt idle. Neither the CH Products Yoke Throttle OR the CH Products PRO Throttle will go down past Flt Idle to Grnd Idle. I can mouse the throttles to grnd idle but as soon as you increase the throttle to taxi it won't go back down to grnd idle and runs away down the taxiway. If you can get it to travel the full path from grnd idle to takeoff thrust tell me how please. I am sure that I can place the aircraft on the runway and takeoff and fly but if you can't taxi at a reasonable speed.......
ReplyDelete@Richard Lund:
ReplyDeleteHello! Well, so it obviously depends on the settings in the options-menue. -In my FSX HotKeySelect=1 and 2 (in the code) refer to the F9- and F10-key on the keyboard. I guess it was set that way from the beginning... -Didn't know there was a way to customize the hotkeys. -Thanks for the update! :-)
In my FSX there is NO no-click problem! Whichever custom-camera I select, I can use (click) any buttons/switches normally.
Since I don't have VR or TrackIR either, I always do custom views for aircraft I fly frequently. -And I try to get along with ONE optimized/customized VC-view (i.e. good combination of panel and outside view; mostly flying smaller planes/jets I must say), since switching viewpoints affects immersion a lot.
Nevertheless I'm planning to get TrackIR ASAP.
BTW: You can tune the copied views from custom aircraft to your likings by playing around with the numbers behind "InitialZoom", "InitialXyz" = and "InitialPbh"! :-)
BR, Martin
Current feedback as above, with FSX users. Have found taxi power even at idle or in start/taxi mode to require a lot of braking to maintain a reasonable speed. Roll rare seem high for a big turbine but this may be accurate. Happy so far will do more flights when I can.
ReplyDeleteHi Dino!
ReplyDeleteAfter a few more hours flying these planes (C-2A(R) NP2000 and E-2C NP2000; FSXA) from both land bases and carriers in addition to my previous comments I found this:
1) two black blinking blocks in the stby instrument speed tape upper and lower left corner of the upper part -> both pilot and copilot side (not constantly, but constantly reappearing)
2) still not quite happy with lift and engine power, but the issue seems more complicated. Climbed to 20000 ft with the C-2 with a max passenger load (each row at 340 kg) and 60% fuel. The climb rate at a reasonable speed (180 KIAS) was very low (less than 500 fpm) and cruise speed was only 210 KIAS with max power, however, on approach to the carrier both power and lift appeared fitting. Maybe the issue is rather with the lapse rate of power and lift over altitude...
3) altimeter setting (first digit) out of sight in the stby instrument
4) porthole missing in cockpit door (C-2; see RW pictures); there appear to be only few pictures of the rear of the E-2 flightdeck, but from what I could see, it seems to have the same porthole
5) Fowler-type flaps not moving rearward (see pictures of folded wings); the aircraft's Fowler-type flaps move down and backwards, while the sim model flaps only move down. This is best seen when the wings are folded and the flaps are lowered one notch.
7) E-2 cockpit front windows are actually not straight as in the FS model - FS model appears slightly "compressed" (lower frame; see picture
8) E-2 constantly showing L PRI PUMP ON regardless of switch position in warning panel
9) E-2 constantly showing R FEATHER ARMED but never L FEATHER ARMED in warning panel
10) E-2 RH engine RPM staying at 91,3% while LH engine is at 100% RPM with speed levers in FLIGHT and LOW GROUND IDLE switches OFF; regardless if on ground or in the air, power settings don't change this
11) In the aircraft.cfg ATC-MODEL should be "E2" and "C2" respectively to make FSX realise it is a Hawkeye or a Greyhound and not just a Grumman
Carry on!
Best regards,
Pleased to say that something is fixed. I recopied the camera views from the FSX Default CRJ700 into the C2 Greyhound and all the buttons and switches that click ARE clickable. Still have not solved the throttle issue even trying to map it in FSUIPC doesn't do it. I am going to just position myself on the runway and fly it for a while and make notes and comments for the flight characteristics.
ReplyDeletefirst thank you for taking my request to be part of this project and be able to help, I have been testing all model in 2 pc one below the specifications and 1 that exceeds the recommended minimum, testing the models in conjunction with aircraft carrier models as the USS GERALD FORD and the NIMITZ in the case of the machine below the specifications the models without the aircraft carrier AI works well, obtaining an acceptable FPS ratio, when adding the aircraft carrier in both models some freezing and jumping and falling of FPS, in the case of the machine with better specifications both models work very well
ReplyDeletemachine 1
processor Intel Core i7 cpu Q 720 @ 1.60 Ghz 1.60 Ghz
RAM 12
win 7 64 bits
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5870
machine 2
processor intel core i5-8400
win 10
NvidiaGTX 1050 Ti GPU
ReplyDelete1) two black blinking blocks in the stby instrument speed tape upper and lower left corner of the upper part -> both pilot and copilot side (not constantly, but constantly reappearing)-> Cannot see them on my system.
2) still not quite happy with lift and engine power, but the issue seems more complicated. Climbed to 20000 ft with the C-2 with a max passenger load (each row at 340 kg) and 60% fuel. The climb rate at a reasonable speed (180 KIAS) was very low (less than 500 fpm) and cruise speed was only 210 KIAS with max power, however, on approach to the carrier both power and lift appeared fitting. Maybe the issue is rather with the lapse rate of power and lift over altitude... -> See comment below on engine setting. Both engines should run at 100% RPM, and they do on my syste,
3) altimeter setting (first digit) out of sight in the stby instrument -> already in the list
4) porthole missing in cockpit door (C-2; see RW pictures); there appear to be only few pictures of the rear of the E-2 flightdeck, but from what I could see, it seems to have the same porthole -> right...but never found a very good picture.
5) Fowler-type flaps not moving rearward (see pictures of folded wings); the aircraft's Fowler-type flaps move down and backwards, while the sim model flaps only move down. This is best seen when the wings are folded and the flaps are lowered one notch. -> Fixed, see issue in the blog, flap movement was incorrect.
7) E-2 cockpit front windows are actually not straight as in the FS model - FS model appears slightly "compressed" (lower frame; see picture
8) E-2 constantly showing L PRI PUMP ON regardless of switch position in warning panel -> Cannot replicate it... see comment below
9) E-2 constantly showing R FEATHER ARMED but never L FEATHER ARMED in warning panel -> will check, seems to work fine on my system
10) E-2 RH engine RPM staying at 91,3% while LH engine is at 100% RPM with speed levers in FLIGHT and LOW GROUND IDLE switches OFF; regardless if on ground or in the air, power settings don't change this -> that should not happen. For some reason, in your system, one of the engines is not working at full speed. May be you have any control setting / conflicting software... both engines work fine at 100% for all the other users afaik.
11) In the aircraft.cfg ATC-MODEL should be "E2" and "C2" respectively to make FSX realise it is a Hawkeye or a Greyhound and not just a Grumman -> understood
ReplyDeleteOne important correction
8) The light PRI PUMP ON indicates that the engine has not been successfully started.
There is definitely something happening in your system which interferes with the engine modeling. The PRI PUMP switches must go out if the engines are properly started, the FEATHER ARMED light should go off, and both engines should run at 100% RPM (this may also explain the lack of power). May be there are speed/pitch controllers activated (either as hardware or external modules like Accusim)?
In the C-2: takeoff with 885 gals fuel (gross Weight 40,039). Climb to 1,100 feet and 200 kias. Reduce the throttles to flight idle. In level flight the aircraft will NOT slow down, unless you drop the gear and/or flaps (which you can not do at this speed). This does NOT happen to the E-2 under similar conditions. The residual airframe drag needs to be increased in the FDE. In spite of the amount of direct thrust from the T-56 exhausts, the aircraft should decelerate with no power. Other than this, I find that both aircraft takeoff, fly and land as I would expect. Bill
ReplyDeletePrevious bug report William Mackay
ReplyDeleteOk, thank you for your remarks. Iwill check the #2 engine again today on both planes.
rgds to 1) Will try to take a screen shot of the black blocks.
2) actually I feel that there is too much engine power and not enough lift (at least in cruise) - again it seems to be slightly dependend on the flight phase. Again, I will try and check what interferes with the engines on my system. Actually only have Active Sky 2016 and for carrier ops AIcarriers running besides my FSXA.
rgds to 4) here is a picture of the door:
There is also several video (cruise videos and TV documentaries) on Youtube that show the porthole.
rgds to 5) great!
Oh, just one more issue:
ReplyDeleteI can move the #2 engine speed lever up and down with left and right clicking (or mouse wheel), but the #1 lever only works with left clicks and goes up and down position to position. That means that after I started the #1 engine, I click it to move to the FLIGHT position, then after landing, I click it again to bring it back to GROUND/START, but now I cannot bring it back to FLIGHT without going to GROUND STOP and FEATHER first.
Best regards,
Just for those interested: I have created chaseplane profiles for the aircraft. If you just search E2 or C2 respectively, you should be able to find it
ReplyDeleteHi Dino!
ReplyDeleteVery quick, I have solved the issue with the engines running at different speeds. Culprit was my throttle's prop lever.
However, the PRI PUMP messages etc. are still there on both aircraft. Tried an FSX auto-start, but that also didn't seem to work.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteTwo new bug reports. E-2C (Steam gauge version) Flight between Dubai Intl and Kuwait.
ReplyDeleteE-2C - external model: left inboard vertical stabilizer does not move when testing rudder control surfaces prior to take off or observed in flight. All the others do respond to rudder pedal action.
Inability to engage heading hold mode or Nav hold mode. Rapidly flashing ON/OFF indicated for both in MFCDU. I was flying a flight plan created in P3Dv4 flight planner.
ReplyDeleteVertical stabilizer… not a bug. It is like that in the real aircraft. I believe it is called the "brass rudder" since it does nothing.
Will have a look at the A/P
ReplyDeleteGiven the number of changes in my current build with respect to the BETA 1 build you have, the BETA 1 is now officially outdated.
I am considering to release a BETA 2, most probably by the end of this week, to double check that the bugs written off so far are indeed solved.
I think that all the bugs are now known. I have never to add to what is already written here.
ReplyDeleteJust reviewing the bugs and I can see the ones I was able to replicate a few times are already posted. One thing I am wondering about and need to test some more is the launch speed off the carrier. With the fuel at 80% and a full load, I was shot off the carrier at 230kts which seems fast. I'll try a few more at the same load to see what I get.
ReplyDeleteI thought I was missing something with the on speed light not working but I see it mentioned above as well
I'm unable to tune VOR 1 in the MCDU/FMC. After entering a frequency, it reverts back to the default setting. Switching between standby & primary doesn't fix it.
ReplyDeleteVOR 2 works fine.
@Robbie Nauffts
Javier's Carrier? -As far as I know the catapult is set for the hornet and can't be changed. -In the T-45 I always got shot off the deck at around 220+... -Now I'm using RFN-Gauge which brings a custom catapult you can configure (maximum take off mass) for each aircraft seperately. -Works fine. -And you don't have to pop up the 2D gauge while in the sim. It just has to be installed.
Having read through the extensive list of reported bugs, I could not find anything that I had not seen myself; the most prominent being that of excessive speed at idle. I have tried adjusting my throttle settings to minimize it, but the aircraft still "runs" away as soon as the Parking Brake is released. Ed Akridge's question about having the Parking Brake being on when the aircraft spawns? Thanks, Pete
ReplyDeleteMany of the issues I have found seem to have already been addressed.
ReplyDeleteI have noticed on engine start for the C2, it doesn't increase its rotation speed. Animation shows the prop going to full rotation speed almost instantaneously. Ill be flying more this weekend. And report anything else I find. -Using P3Dv4
@All - thanks for the feedback and suggestions and sorry for the lack of updates.
ReplyDeleteI took a little break from the E-2/C-2 bug fixing, but I will be back at it soon.
A question. Will there be a optional configuration with the C-2 for removal of seats? Reason I ask is they are used for carrying a lot of cargo, other than passengers! Just wondering. Thanks, Chief.
ReplyDeleteWell...I have played with optional configs (including cargo models)...but right now I am leaning towards not including the option. It would eat resources and almost nobody will notice it - but I still have to take the final decision.
I have decided to:
IMPLEMENT "COLD AND DARK" approach (see post in the blog)
Both will be in Beta 2
ReplyDeleteHere's some feedback from Beta 1, my background is a real-world retired Naval Aviator. I flew the C-2A Greyhound extensively as an aircraft commander throughout WESTPAC and the Persian Gulf, finishing with over 1,300 hours and 200 traps in the Mighty COD.
First of all, thank you Dino and your team for modeling my old aircraft. You have done a superb job, but I am here to help make it even better. I will not nitpick visuals or systems details yet, my concern right now is simply tweaking the flight model. I am flying with the latest version of P3DV4 on a Win 10 Core I7-7700K, 16GB, GTX 1080. I have experience with PC flight sims and have owned MS Flight Simulator through most of its older variants, including 95, 98, 2000, 2004, FSX, P3D, as well as Xplane 11 and DCS World.
Suggested Flight Model Improvements:
1) Thrust at idle on the ground is too high. Currently it is the equivalent amount you would get when dropping the power levers into the flight idle detent. This is only done when on the runway for takeoff (while each pilot visually confirms the oil cooler door closing on each nacelle). Normal ground taxi is with the power levers back up over the hump. Not sure if this range of throttle motion can be modeled in the sim.
2) Power response is too sluggish for my experience in the T-56-A-425 original 4-blade variant. The torque gauges should not lag with power lever motion, there is little to no spool up time in real life as these engines are direct drive, and are always turning at 99-101% RPM in flight, and @97% on the ground. This has always been a limitation of the Flight Simulator franchise unfortunately. The current model reminds me of the lagging engine torque found with the PT-6 on the King Air/C-12 series.
3) Deceleration/drag needs to be greatly increased at flight idle. At 49,000 lbs, the COD should decelerate quickly from 260 knots in level flight at 1,200 feet (i.e. simulating slowing for a straight-in carrier trap). I counted over 60 seconds to slow to 200 knots. This should be more like 10 seconds (@5 knots/second decel). As someone commented earlier, the four-bladed model I flew, when at flat pitch, flight idle, had tremendous drag, to the point where a windmilling unfeathered prop on one side would, and has, ended in a mishap.
4) The C-2 flew with a lot of rudder input, in addition to the exaggerated yoke movements required due to the nature of the hydraulic flight controls/pitch feel system. All four limbs of your body are moving while flying the ball. In fact, rolling into the break with ailerons only would result into a skidding out-of-coordinated-flight turn. Lots of boot was needed with turns and equal small inputs in relation to power changes.
5) Empty weights of our CODs were higher than I see in the sim, we were at 38,000 lbs. This included the cargo cage system (always installed), the pilots, the loadmaster and crewchief. A fully fueled COD with 4 crew and no cargo or pax should be @50,000 lbs.
Thank you for the opportunity to share my experience. Again, my goal is to help you make it as realistic as possible, but I know the FSX/P3D aerodynamic model has a lot of limitations. Thanks for your time.
I noticed a shadow underneath the C-2; not sure it should be there?
ReplyDeleteThanks for the valuable feedback on the flight model - we'll review it and see what we can do to improve.
That is a side effect of the AO - I left it in as it was meant to depict the small recess the tailhook fits into (not modeled). I agree it may look unrealistic from some angles when the tailhook is down.
Feathering levers: you can only click them and cannot control which way they go. You need to keep left-clicking them until they are all the way forward before you pull them back.
ReplyDeleteThe starter switch; while it seems to work with the mouse wheel, Left Click selects the Left engine. Right Click doesn't do anything though. You can only select the Right engine by rolling the mouse wheels.
Flaps; real world E-2 flaps slide back and go down ("Fowler Flaps?"), but your model's flaps only rotate. Am guessing there is a animation limitation?
Am attaching a screenshot of the port side of aircraft model, showing a couple things I noticed. The "L" in the "Walk" error is reversed. Also, there appears to be a mechanism under the ailerons that is "floating".
ReplyDeleteThe condition levers, at the moment are, programmed in this way. Personally I found it less confusing than having left or right clicking. But, as usual, I may be wrong.
Same thing applies to the starter switch - it is quite fast to cycle through the right position if needed.
The flap movement issue has already been highlighted (it is EX005 although not very clear) and has been fixed to Beta 2.
The wing aileron mechanism issue has already been highlighted (EX006) and solved
The mistake in the WALK markings has been added to the list EX018
ReplyDeleteJust a few other things I noticed:
- The radome animation does not appear to rotate smoothly.
- The C-2 Cargo door switches lag when you click them.
- Oxygen Supply Switch inoperable.
- Incorrect Tool Tip on Console Flood Switch. Tool Tip indicates "Starter Switch".
In a recent video i've seen the AoA indicatori is always in light mode on when the gear is down. In the sim iy appear & disappear...
ReplyDelete- Radome...unfortunately this is as smooth as it gets with XML coding
- Cargo door switch: this is intentional meaning that (in the sim) the switch "reports" the cargo door position
- Oxygen switches -> not meant to be operable
- Console flood -> will check
- will check
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI'm doing something wrong...I followed the manual: starter engages but engines do not start. I have fuel boost pumps on but its like no fuel is going to the engines L or R. Analog C2 Greyhound.
ReplyDeleteNo issues with installation into P3Dv4 and FSX-SE. Using Ctrl+Shift+R followed by starter switch toggle was able to start and runup both engines of all four versions. Thank you for adding the jury strut system. An extra detail but it also makes the folded wings sit properly.
ReplyDeleteCTRL+SHFT+R turns on Boost Pumps which I turned on manually so no help there. The battery is on. The Levers are in Run. The Power is in Ground Idle. Engage the starter and it engages you can hear it but its like the fuel is not getting to the engine. If this were a recip engine I would say that the Mixture is OFF. I have a 3 lever yoke and I even pushed the Mixture on. I did not have any problems installing in FSX/A. I have read the manual starting section 3 times and can't see what I am doing wrong or not doing.
ReplyDeleteRichard Lund,
ReplyDeleteMaybe a dumb question, but are your Fuel Boost Pumps on? That would certainly explain why fuel is not reaching the engines. Chief
The first suggestion of CTRL+SHIFT+R turns on fuel boost pumps and I tried that though I had turned them on manually as well as before I started. At this point I am going to uninstall and reinstall and see if something happened in install even though it seemed to be ok. I even opened up and printed out the START ENGINE section from my REAL E2C NATOPS Manual to see if that would help but obviously Dino used that to program the aircraft since it is basically the same just no Ground Power Unit in his, just unlimited battery. I'm baffled. Any other aircraft that I fly and I would look for the fuel cutoff lever being off. After I reinstall it I'll try again and get back here.
ReplyDeleteDeleted both the C2 and E2 from my FSX Simobjects Airplanes and did a new install to the desktop and then copied the two folders into FSX Simobjects Airplanes. Restarted FSX and put an E2 at an airport. It started with engines running and they continued running. With the power levers at as low as they go on my yoke it slightly creeps forward even with parking brake on. I manually clicked the power levers lower on the pedestal and the creep stopped. I stopped the engines by clicking the Control levers to GRND Stop and stopped engines. Clicked on the Boost Pumps and engaged R starter and the Starboard engine started and continued to run; then L starter and the Port engine started and continued to run as well. Must have been some kinda bug because all is fine now. I am going to do some evaluations in the air now and will report back later today or tomorrow. Thanks Dino for the aircrafts and you guys for trying to help before. All is well on the ground at the moment.
ReplyDeleteAfter successfully starting both engines, I noticed the Right Engine Bleed Off light on the forward console, and a Right Engine Overheat Light was lit. I had inadvertently left the Starter Switch on for the Right Engine. Once I placed that switch back to center position, both of the aforementioned lights went off. Just a observation.
ReplyDeleteThings work like they are supposed to...very good.
ReplyDeleteSee ya later.
noticed in Beta 2
ReplyDelete-OBS horizontal deviation line on the analog cockpit visibly flies across the cockpit after passing the station when the needle "flips"
-left oil cooler switch is duplicated. 1 of them stays in the same position.
-"cold and dark" version still has battery, nav lights, and beacon light on..
-clicking the mirrors change the tint(?)
-no wiper control switch?
-meatball on carrier saying the plane is low, when im actually high or on glide slope and catching the 4 wire
-no taxi light when the taxi light switch is on
-reverse thrust doesn't provide any reverse thrust
-sound cuts out when going from reverse thrust to idle
-angle of attack needle goes to 0 when activating reverse thrust
The texture folder contains files which leads to the impression, that there should be reflection and scratches in the windshilds. In FSX there is nothing. Is it a P3D feature? I have also the Eurofighter with similar textures which do the job. Kind regards, Thomas
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