Wednesday, July 23, 2014

...and F-14D Tomcat upgraded to version 2.35.

Yet another small upgrade to the F-14D Tomcat. I do not see major improvements in the FSX may be finally worth moving to Prepar3D v2.X as main development environment, maybe. Anyway, changes are as follows:

July 23rd, 2014
- added ADF needle in MFD HSD
- fixed HSEL/CSEL section in MFD ADI
- fixed and updated flight manual
- added code for automatic launch bar retraction
- added 2D panels (MFD 1, 2, 3 and PTID - note: PTID must still be turned on in the RIO cokpit. 2D displays are controlled as touchscreen)
NOTE: as pointed out by many users, some soft keys are not working. This appears to be a mouse click area detection bug in the FSX engine, since the code has been checked several times and found to be completely correct.
Also, moving the point of view inside the cockpit will make them work... so sorry if it detracts from the experience but I see no wat to solve it.

Download from the side bar as usual.


  1. I did have a couple questions regarding the installation of the Tomcats. I was able to use an earlier version of the D Tomcat but when I tried to install updated versions, they all made FSX crash on me. Am I missing something? Could I maybe get a quick set of "how to's" on the installations? Are newer versions reliant on installing ALL previous versions (for example; are 2.31, 2.33 needed for 2.35 to work properly? etc...)I have worked with the real thing years ago and the Tomcat is my favorite plane of ALL time and I can't seem to make them work anymore in FSX.

  2. Good day Sir,

    my apologies if the usage of my files are unclear - but actually there is nothing fancy in the installation or anything special.

    You just simply copy the SimObject and Effects folders in the main FSX folder - allowing to overwrite existing files if need be.
    All files are "full install" you do not need to have any previous version installed.

    My apologies for not having provided an installer, but whenever I did that in the past I was criticized from doing so.

    Files are surely working - if FSX is crashing this is probably due either to an OoO or other reasons. Please note that all of my planes require Flight Simulator X: Acceleration or Gold versions or Prepar3d v1.X or above. They WILL crash "plain" FSX installations.

  3. Would be nice to see a better way to select weapons... anf if you are going to perfect the weapons payload, then it would be nice to work on the TACTS Pod.

  4. Hello
    What a great bird this is. I am nit picking but I like to review landings in replay and I have noticed that the main gear/tires sink too far into the runway upon landing no matter how soft I land. I have adjusted the contact points to help, but now the main gear sit above the runway a bit too far. Using P3D v2. Keep up the fantastic work!

  5. Dino, can you please check on the Afterburner? There are dds files indicating there is one available, but they do not show up in any power regime. I am thinking this is a bug?

  6. @ejoiner

    Afterburners (5 stages) are there and they seem to work on my machine... and I believe they work for most users.
    There is probably something different in your settings (I would first check your thottle calibration setting - and make sure they reach 100% - disable Accufeel if installed and update the display drivers).

  7. I can confirm the AB is there. I needed to increase my throttle sensitivity above 100 to see it. All is well now!!

  8. Gents, I have been practicing my carrier qualifications and find that the HUD for the Tomcat is very hard to see through in some conditions. I would like to have a clearer version of it, and possibly a bit less reflection on the interior VC cockpit glass. This probabl varies according to taste, so am happy to put in my own work here.

    Which dds textures need altering to make the HUD more transparent and to decrease the reflection slightly on the cockpit glass?

  9. If I remember correctly, the transparency of the HUD is hard-coded into the MDL, by setting Alpha values at final render...

  10. Dino,

    I cant seem to get the Landing lights to work. I've tried everything. Ideas?

  11. Hello Dino,

    Tomcat is brilliant, but need help with throttle. When I turn on A/P it seems that throttle levers stuck in some position, and when I move them in VC, or with my HOTAS or with any controller I have, throttle stays in one position. Only solution I found is to turn off engines and start them in flight. I am using version 2.35, FSX Accel and no Tacpac.

  12. Sorry Dino, but I have downloaded tha latest version of your wonderful F-14D and I would like to know if I have to install the and to have correct HUD or it's enough what is just included in your package.

    Thank you (and hope to see the MB339 soon!)


  13. The F-14D package is wrong packed. It contains two different "effect" folders, one for FSX root and there is one copy inside your "SimObjects" folder in the zipfile. The file dates is different on the files in these two "Effects" folders. Can you please have a look at the package and maby repack?
