Monday, June 16, 2014

Current status of my projects...

First my apologies for not having replied to some of your messages and questions... I try to do what I can to reply to everybody, but I do not have much time and providing support is difficult... sorry for that.
Anyway, here is a quick recap on where we are with my various flight simulation projects... let's start with the older ones:

T-45C GoshawkI have spotted (and already fixed in my internal build) a couple of minor bugs in the Goshawk cockpit...but the big news is that the Tacpack will finally implement training bombs, and so I will update the Goshawk accordingly... so basically I am waiting for VRS to update the Tacpack before proceeding. Should that not happen in the next few weeks, I will release the bug-fixing update anyway.

F-14D Tomcat
No plans for further update at the moment. There may be a P3Dv2-only version in the far future.

F-35A/B/C Lightning II
There are a couple of things that I would like to improve/fix...also I have received a tweaked flight model from an user that, in many instances, seems to replicate well the (very few) performance and flight test results available to the public. I need to find the time to test the new flight model properly, to make sure there are no pitfalls... anyway looks like it may be worth another update. 

S-3B Viking
Feedback from the Beta testing phase is largely positive and ecouraging, thank you! There seem to be very few things that need fixing which is a very good result IMHO.
I will proceed with bug fixing asap - it may take two/three weeks to fix the issues and release version 1.00.

MB.326/339 projectThis is looking very good IMHO. At the moment, the external model of the MB.326E is 95% complete (except the ordnance)... project strategy is still TBD, as the top priority is to deliver the Viking.

Aside, given the time these projects are taking is growing so that this activity has almost become a second job, I am considering, once again, the possible switch to "freemium" payware strategy. For example, we may have the ES-3 and US-3 models to be available as payware (while the S-3 will aways remain freeware) and/or the additional MB.326 models (e.g. the Tacpack enabled versions, or the single seat version) as payware, while the base model will remain free...
At the moment I am just thinking about that... then we will see. The main target, for me, is and will Always be to get the best quality with the few resources I have for this hobby...but as you may guess, this FSX-hobby of mine has grown to quite large proportions...
Your thoughts and comments are welcome.


  1. COD version of the S-3... I think 6 airframes were converted to that versions...


  2. I will gladly pay whatever you deem appropriate /required to keep producing such quality work

  3. Ciao Dino, I think it is time to switch from free to paywere and your "solutions" (proposte) are interesting... if someone just want to experience the base models, good, they are free. But I suppose that most of us would be glad pay (after years and years of free planes) to get more sofisticated projects. I'll be one of them.


  4. I think "freemium" is a very good idea. The quality you produce and the support you offer is above and beyond anything that could be expected of a freeware developer and for that I thank you. With that said, when something becomes a "job" that is taking time away from other things you enjoy doing, you should be compensated for it. I have no problem paying for your work, especially for an ES-3A. Keep up the great work, Dino

  5. In the latest few versions of your tomcat the HUD De-clutter switch is not working.

  6. Dino,

    I was just flying around in both your F-14D and F-35B last night with some friends while using Tacpack and carriers, and we were all commenting on how you could and SHOULD charge for your work. It is absolutely amazing, and there are no "competitors" that are even close.

    All three of us who were flying last night would happily pay VRS Superbug prices for your work :)

    Thank you for a truly enjoyable experience!

  7. Non ti fermare, continua nel tuo lavoro di realizzazione aerei per noi appassionati di volo virtuale.
    Stai realizzando dei veri Capolavori, sarĂ  certamente un piacere pagare gli aerei che tu riterrai giusto che abbiano un costo. La fatica va premiata e giustamente retribuita.
