Thursday, March 14, 2013

T-45C Goshawk officially updated to version 2.40

Following the largely positive feedback on the new flight model, the T-45 is now officially upgraded to version 2.40 and has is being uploaded to both avsim and flightsim. No further modifications to the file posted previously on this blog have been applied. Download link to version 2.35 has been removed.


- Completely redone flight dynamics. All input values to match NATOPS as close as possible with some corrections when needed.
- Changed all MOIs using Roskam methods and changed many Mach tables, resulting dynamics are less responsive at low speeds, but  also much less prone to uncontrollable departures.
- Roll rate dependency on Mach no should be more accurate, also rudder authority vs. Mach and roll moment due to rudder deflection should be more accurate (rudder effectiveness decreases significantly above Mach 0.80 and A/C will roll in the opposite direction above Mach 0.85)
- Added speedbrake blowback feature (as in the real thing, extending the speedbrake above 340kts may result in partial extension only).
- Fixed AoA needle bug, failing to report actual AoA
- Fixed Reference HTML documents
- Fixed main landing gear "wobble"
- Fixed several typos in the VNATOPs manual


  1. Wow man, thats awesome, I would love to try it soon!! However, any updates on the S-3 Viking??

  2. Maravilloso el T-45C Goshawk version 2.40 gracias Dino.

    El unico problema que tal vez en v 2.40 esta menos acentuado es que cuando ya haces la aproximacion y estas alineado con la pista, tienes que estar muy alerta con el cabeceo que me parece un poco excesivo en este modelo de vuelo.

    En el F-14D TOMCAT y en F-35 LIGHTNING II no tengo este problema, tal vez sea mi culpa por mi torpeza.

    De todas formas lo aterrizo sin problemas pero siempre pendiente mucho mas del cabeceo.

    Gracias por todos estos modelos maravillosos.

  3. Fabulous Dino!!!!

    A couple of NOOB questions:
    1) Is there a way of entering TACAN/ILS frequencies directly into the DEP - I can only figure out how to do this through the main radio stack.

    2) On the DEP, what does 'LAW' stand for and mean. Does it provide a useful function on your T-45C?


  4. Dino I just want to say you are a GENIUS !!!! Ciao from South Africa , and thank you thank you for the Goshawk !!!!
