Monday, November 5, 2012

F-35 Sales Figures in - Will turn to freeware

I've just received sales figure for the F-35 from SimMarket - and I am happy to say that the project exceeded the even point significantly.
As you are aware of, I am not a payware developer and the reason why the F-35 is payware is that it has been a very expensive project to develop.
Let me clarify once again that I have nothing against payware products or making profit from this activity - but I cannot venture into this for several reasons.
I have a full time engineering job, which is both relatively well paid and satisfying - and by the way involves minor design activities for equipment of the real F-35. For one, I do not have the time and I cannot afford that FSX design activity have an impact on my "real life" job.
Also, if my FSX "businness" grows there come accounting laws and taxes obligations I do not have the time to follow.
For these reasons (and others I have explained elsewhere) I have decided that the F-35 will be soon withdrawn from sales and will be re-released as freeware after a period (yet TBD) in which it will not be available.
I hope you understand and still enjoy flying the F-35.


  1. I am happy to have supported the project and I am very satisfied with the result =)
    All you who dont have the F-35 must make sure that you pick it up now or when it turns freeware, it is an amazing plane!!

  2. Personaly I think it is refreshing to see a developer that is more interested in expanding the sim than making a profit. I am glad and proud to have helped you recoup your costs and support your decision to make the plane avaiable to the masses.

  3. Dino,
    You have contributed much to my enjoyment and I happily purchased your F-35 and enjoy the thrill of flying this machine. Your reasons to take it to freeware are clearly understandable and I'm happy for those who find it later as freeware. I'm enjoying it now.

  4. Iam glad your going to make it free ware.I have purchased your F35A and the F-35 ABC.Looking forware to the new F-14D with low packets. :)

  5. I can already tell this is going to be my favorite aircraft !

  6. I've only recently purchased, but have to say I don't mind at all that it is now going freeware. A really great model, thank you for your work!

  7. Nice! when you relese it as freeware, please do not make is .exe file. Thank you!!!

    -FSX Black Diamond Jet Team

  8. Thanks for your comments and appreciation.

    I will withdraw the F-35 from sales in the

    One question... .exe versus .zip. I would prefer the .zip but .exe has two great advantages for me. First, it is easier to install. It may be trivial for "advanced users" but I still receive a lot of emails from people who have problems installing planes.
    Second, it is much harder to modify (I've seen my files "reworked" several times...)

  9. I would prefer Zip to be honest.
    .exe is easier to install, but I think if people can't work out how to manually copy files to relevent directory....they can't possibly be playing FSX!!

  10. BTW, would there be more update or bugfix for F-35 after you withdraw from sales?
