Wednesday, October 24, 2012

F-14D Tomcat WIP - cockpit

Above are two images of the current build of the F-14 cockpit... According to my initial plan, I should be coding the advisory/caution lights and debugging the pilot cockpit - in order to finish it and start Alpha testing... but it is a really boring process, and I am not in the right mood (provided there is a right mood for such tedious activities) - so I started modeling the RIO cockpit ahead of the schedule.
At the moment, modeling of the pilot cockpit is 99% complete - the outstanding items being night textures and advisory & caution lights.
RIO cockpit is 40% done. F-14D experts may have noticed this RIO cockpit is not a "standard" F-14D, since the upper part is missing the GPS unit and the new digital information display. Well, I am modeling this on the pictures provided by Ken - which have been taken on the BuNo.164601 as preserved at Castle Air Museum... I will just fill the voids left by some missing panels but will not change the general layout - so you will have to live with this.
It is not clear to me why this Rio cockpit is configured like this - upper part being the same as the older variants, lower part being like the latest F-14D... may be it was for training purposes, may be the upper part has been replaced before the delivery to the museum... I don't know. Anyway, I'll mirror that configuration so that graphic look is consistent.
Also, I am sorry but the vast majority of the RIO controls will be INOP - both because will have not much use in FSX and because I simply do not have the time and resources to do that.


  1. Looks Great! Can't wait till I can download it!!

  2. Slendido,non immagino quanto lavoro c'è dietro.Scusa l'ot le immagini sono in dx 10?

  3. Great job Dino!

    Sometimes taking a break is necessary in order to come back stronger!

    Take it easy and enjoy the process!


  4. Looks great. Can't wait to fly it and I hope JR will make that new HUD. And by the way, Eglin looks great too, I always liked your screenshots from F-35 development. J.

  5. signepatrick@free.frOctober 31, 2012 at 9:51 PM

    I created a new texture used in "nsawc naval air warfare center strike," I could offer freeware?


    Sure you can, but please specify which version it applies to. The F-14D we are talking about in this post is a completely new rendition: repaints for older version WILL NOT WORK.

  7. Hi Dino.
    I've downloaded your well designed F-14 (V.106 Simaviation). But unlike what I saw on Youtube, It has neither operational CRTs, nor a working HUD! Even some of the gauges are non-operational. It beats me how to solve it! would you mind helping me with this issue?
    thanks in advance!
    Best wishes... ;)

  8. @Rouhollah

    Most likely you do not have FSX:Acceleration installed. MFDs are aliased from the Acceleration Hornet. Proper Acceleation or Gold installation is required for the MFDs to work.

  9. Amazing cockpits !

    Your F-14D is one of the two planes in my hangar (L-39C is the other).
    Thank you for it.

    I am reading your news with a LOT of interest.
