Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Hovering in the F-35B

Approaching LHA-4 in a stable hover thanks to Rob! 

 F-35B USMC livery - with CBUs and gun pod.
...and AIM-9X also for the F-35A!

A very rainy labor day brought some major advancements in my F-35 project... actually I've been working almost non-stop for 12 hours on it today... Not sure if it is a good thing.
Anyway, the integration with Rob Barenrdregt's STOVL functionality is done like a dream! I spent a lot of the weekend hovering here and there and it is a lot of fun.

Also, the F-35B is almost ready for Beta testing - I added a lot of missing details and completed the texturing and I have to confess I am quite happy with it.

And I've also modeled the AIM-9X and rebuilt the F-35A models with it. And I've also figured out a way to model the F-35C in a reasonable amount of time (with a little artistic licence on a couple of details... which I am sure someone will notice in seconds, but it may be a fair is worth a try IMHO).


  1. amazing work, i been looking at your site for the f35b updates everyday, i cannot wait to try it out..

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  3. Great work Dino and it's good to hear that B will dispose of full hover capability. By the way - what kind of assault ship is that? Is it free or pay?


  4. The ship is LHA-4 from Aerosoft - bonus content in the payware (and really good...if I knew how to fly helos) Seahawk package. Looks great but I have two issues with it: the carriers are placed at default location have landable decks - but when the F-35 lands on them it tends to "slip" a little forward. You can relocate the ship wherever you want but then (on my system at least) the deck is not landable anymore.

    An alternative is the (now freeware) LHA-5 from FSAddon (requires free registration to download):

    I have an issue with this one, too... the default carrier is San Diego works fine, landable deck and everything, but the sea polygon crawls partially on one side - and it looks weird (using Megascenery SoCal at least)...

  5. Excellent work there! Is the STOVL based on the real F-35B controls? Or is it a complete guess on how it works?

  6. The STOVL functionality is IMHO pretty close to the real thing. There is much information publicly available, including videos on how to operate the controls from real LM simulators on youtube.

    There are some minor artistic licenses - as there are in the whole package... at the moment, the biggest thing is that you can activate the auto-hover sub-mode also from the MFD (in the real thing it is a button on the throttle). Honestly, it is much better than what I believed possible in FSX - many thanks to Rob!

  7. I wish somebody would make an AICarriers compatible version of a LHA...

    F-35s look great Dino.

  8. when will beta come out? and is that for everone? Or you need to pre order or pre purchase? How does that work.

  9. Hi worx - Beta 2 "is done when its done" but most probably in less than a week.

    When it will be ready I will make a post on this blog on how to apply, in case I will need more testers (I have already several testers enrolled from Beta 1 so I am not sure).
    In any case, it is invitation-based, no pre-purchase required.

  10. can we arrange some kind of a deal then? Im new but a big fan of your work. If you know the price of the f35b id pay it now so i could get into beta, i play fsx alot and could report back some decent feedback.

    But it is up to you.

  11. @worx

    I am sorry but I am not willing to "sell" Beta applications.
    Beta testers are selected to represent a variety of users (and configs) and I am keeping the number down to a manageable amount. This is the best way for me to improve product quality - which is the only scope of Beta testing.

    Also, I tend to dislike the "preorder bonus" concept which is rampaging thru the electronic entertainment industry.

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