Monday, June 6, 2011

Open Beta version release soon

The Beta build of the T-45 is ready (and it will be an open Beta), but I have decided to delay its release for a day or two as I am compiling its flight manual. It will be an 80 pages flight manual based on the first 8 chapters of the real T-45C NATOPS - and it will closely replicate its structure and its contents, with clear indication of the differences between the real and the virtual Goshawk. It will cover general information, systems descriptions, operating limitations, standard and special procedures and flight characteristics - but will not cover emergency procedures, all-weather operations, communication & navigation equipment and procedures and weapon systems. It is almost ready - just few more hours of work and its done...


  1. Sounds excellent! Thanks again.

  2. Grazie per l'open beta!

  3. Dino,

    You continue to inspire us to give back to the community. Thank you for your efforts and the pleasure we get from flying your beautifully made planes.

