Thursday, August 19, 2010

F-35A version 1.1 released a SimMarket

The new version of the F-35A is available at SimMarket. It is a full installation - not a patch: new customers will get the latest release, while existing customers should have received a download link to the installer.
It may take a little while for servers to update - if it does not work in few hours please contact SimMarket and/or let me know.


  1. Hi, Dino, I just sent you an email about the virtual HUD. Please check it out if it is not too late :)

    ~ neutrino

  2. ...unfortunately it is too late: users are already dowloading the update.

    BTW I will send you (and to the rest of the team) a download link asap (probably tomorrow)

  3. OK, no problem, it was not critical anyway :)

    ~ neutrino

  4. Should we delete the original version or just do a straight install of the new one ?

  5. Hey dino, i want to said you thanks you, your plane was simply amazing for the price!Have a nice day!

  6. Downloaded and installed, thanks!

    Does anyone have any Shockwave Lights configs for the F-35 yet?


  7. Ciao Dino
    comprato giusto ieri...

    volevo farti una domanda e una richiesta...

    domanda: nel vc ruotando la testa non si vedono le ali, è una scelta per contenere i poligoni?

    richiesta: si potrebbe avere i file delle texture con la mappa wireframe (perdonami ma non so il termine tecnico)?

    grazie mille in anticipo


  8. Non tener conto della domanda precedente...

    ho spostato la visuale e le ho trovate ;)))))))

    saranno i 32 gradi di Milano!

  9. i cant find it on simmarket? can you please post a link to the download!!

  10. Ciao dino bel lavoro, in futuro aggiungerai rain e snow effect per il vc 3d?Sarebbe stupendo..intanto ti posto un lavoro free fatto sulla liguria

  11. @Jake

    Here is the link to the SimMarket page:


    Grazie per il, da buon simmer Genovese,lo scenario non mi era sfuggito e l'avevo già scaricato. Anzi, volevor fare un post a riguardo.
    Per quanto riguarda l'F-35, probabilmente ci sarà una nuova patch a non ho ancora deciso quali features saranno incluse.

  12. hi dino i send you thio=s comment because i have your f-14 and t-45 aircraft , they are wonderful , i see that you work on the f-35 , i would know if you make the f-35c version for carrier because i am very intresting by this model

    good job thank for all

