Monday, May 18, 2009

F-14D Tomcat Beta Release (and new project announcement)

F-14D (version Beta 1) flying over Las Vegas

This is how the cockpit is looking in the Beta.
I've just completed the Beta 1 build of the Tomcat. It will be distributed to testers and supporters as soon as I can find the time (probably in a day or so). The visual model is complete. The virtual cockpit il 95% done (basically some switches and buttons are still not working and there are a couple of missing textures). The flight model needs some tweaking, as usual :-), but I think it is acceptable and carrier operations are smooth, except for the approach speed that tends to be a little high.
In short, I think the F-14 is good enough to involve the community. If you wish to contibute to this project, I'd need:
I already have few testers on board,but if you think you have the experience and the time needed to provide a significant feedback to the Beta 1 version, drop me an email at
I plan to release the Tomcat asap, say 2-3 weeks after the Beta, so if you don't have the time to fly it in the next week please do no apply.
I'd love to have custom sounds for the Tomcat. Should anyone be able to provide them please contact me. Needless to say, they need to be FSX-compatible original sounds and, if I think they are OK, will be distibuted as freeware as part of the package (of course proper credit will be given the the author). Again, this should be done in 2-3 weeks.
All of the early repainters have bailed out for several reasons. Should you want to give a try and have enough time and experience, please contact me. Some rules will apply: 1) No fictional repaints (I hate them) 2) No "vintage" repaints (i.e.the ones with white lower/moving surfaces - this limitation is due to the model texturing) 3) I will decide if and which repaints will be included in the base package (with proper credit)
Please forgive me if replies to your emails will be late or very short - but I will not have much time for them.
One last thing: I've finally selected the subject of my next project. It will be the F-35 Lighting II. It is likely to be my first payware project. Please do not hate me for this. I'll keep on doing things in the freeware scene as I love it, but the fact is that a good FSX project simply needs A LOT of time and resources - much more than what I can afford without a financial justification.

1 comment:

  1. Dino, you're a workhorse. I can't beleive you pumped this out in so little time. It's quite astounding. And the fact that it looks proper and not a quick hashed up job is amazing aswell.
    I tihnk the word is 'Bravo'...correct me if I'm wrong.

    After my examinations are completed, on June the 12th, I will have 3 months to myself, maybe then, if you need help, i can offer services (most likely on the painting front). If not then that's all fine, but I would like you to know I am still keenly interested in helping you, and it was unfortunate that I applied to help you with such haste, without planning my own times properly.

    Cheers, Anthony.
