Monday, March 16, 2009

...and some shots of the Tomcat,too

Quick post to show you that I've also been working on the Tomcat...I'm doing what I can to release it before Easter - but I'm not sure I can make it...believe it or not, I also have a social life ;-)

This is how the cockpit is coming. As you can see there is a lot of work to be done...but the left side of the panel is done, and the MFD's are functional. By the way, in absence of photographic material, I'm hand-drawing all the textures.

Some improvements to the visual model and texture appearance (Mike Durao has added some detail to my fuselage texture - he is working on some repaints).

The spoilerons/wing sweep/control surface animations have been improved and are now much closer to the information I get from the NATOPS manual.


  1. Better and better, good work Dino!

  2. Hi.
    Is there any chance I can have a go at making more repaints for you? That would be a pleasure, seeing how beautiful the airplane's turning out to be. Thanks for the attention and good luck with the project!

  3. Vlad,

    Sure you can give it a try. Anyway, my policy is: everyone willing to try will be given a chance and everyone will be free to share his work after the package release. The only restriction is that I will decide what is suitable for release in the base package.
    Please drop me an email at
