Thursday, September 4, 2008

T-45C Goshawk for FSX:Acceleration v1.1

T-45C Goshawk of VT7, Kingsville NAS

I'm working right now on a Goshawk update that will be released in a week or so. The improvements will be:

External model:
- "Point of view too far" issue solved
- Animated crew
- Added Minor details in the visual model
- Added Training Wing 1 texture set, and a texture set without markings
- Now you can change the identification number by typing it (like stock FSX planes)
- (not yet decided for sure) an additional model with practice bombs

Virtual cockpit:
- MFDs working and clickable (even if they show 2 engines and radar, as they are aliased from the Hornet)
- Radios working and clickable
- Tacan replaced with working NDB. IFF replaced with working Squawk
- Few more buttons working

Flight model:
- slight improvements

I'm sorry to make an update so soon, but there are cool functionalities I've just learned and implemented and really there is no point in keeping them only to in my hard disk.


  1. Thanks Dino, your efforts are much appreciated. Your T-45 Hawk is my favorite aircraft to fly in FSX. I can hardly wait for the update.

    Regards, Tom Stovall SOH

  2. Thanks for this great model. I've downloaded after reading a review in PC Pilot.
