Monday, April 20, 2020

M-346 MASTER Beta Test and To-do List

IMPORTANT! All Beta test slots have been assigned. NO NEW APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED.

BETA 1 of the Aermacchi M-346 Project is finally here! The build is not really feature complete but it is completely flyable and ready for test.


To apply as a Beta tester for this project, please send me and email at with the following information:
- Real world and simulation experience (Note - Beta is open to ALL levels of experience...I ask the question just to know what is your level of aeronautical knowledge)
- Your system CPU, GPU, RAM and OS
- The simulator you intend to test the M-346 on (exact version of P3D, and if it is with or without VRSTP)
- Any special reason why you think you should get the Beta (be honest, no flattery please)

The subject of the email shall be: M-346 Beta Test Application

Please DO NOT apply if you do not think you have the time to test it (consider 3-4 hours minimum).
Also, just to make it clear, this is NOT a paid position - in any form. I will decide to provide or not complimentary copies to testers at the end of the Beta stage.


The package embraces the "Add-on" approach available in P3Dv4 or v5 - therefore package shall be installed in your Prepar3D Add-ons folder in your Documents folder.


A WIP manual that includes operational checklists is available for download by clickling HERE. The checklists are close to the real world one, but have been (partially) amended to reflect changes in the simulation. Testers are encouraged to go through the checklists and report discrepancies.

The aicraft embraces a COLD AND DARK approach.
If you start your scenario on the ground, the aircraft will shut down all its systems forcing you to a full start.
While you are encouraged to follow the checklist and report any major inconsistency, AT MINIMUM, to start the aircraft you must follow these steps:




- APU MASTER/STOP PUSHBUTTON (left console, close to the MFD) -> PUSH (the APU START button lights up and shows "RDY")

- APU START PUSHBUTTON ->  PUSH (the caption becomes RUN and blinks, indicating that the APU is starting up...when the blinking stops the APU is running)

- RIGHT ENGINE MODE SELECTOR KNOB -> Set to START/IDLE (the START pushbutton illuminates)

- RIGHT ENGINE START -> PUSH (the button starts to blink, when the blinking stops it means that the engine is running and APU can be turned off).



NOTE: To arm the ejection seats, you must remove the safety pin AND set the arm switch to ARM. The procedure must be repeated for both seats, unless the ejection sequence lever in the backseat has been set for solo flight.

NOTE: Checklist would request you to perform the EGI Alignment procedure...which is however entirely optional. Despite the IN/GPS page readings, navigation accuracy is not affected by the procedure, which has been included only for users who want to perform it.


The aircraft is fully flyable and should not have glaring omissions. However, at present, the following features are missing or incomplete.
- Electronic Warfare (note: in the real world, the vanilla and the FT versions do not have it...addition is planned for the FA version)
- HMD support (still TBD)
- Special Alert system
- Voice alert system (it's in there...but needs improvement)
- UFCP steering point, waypoint and flight plan management
- Pre-Planned A/S Targeting
- Targeting Pod


The preferred way to report bugs is to add a comment to this post, specifying what is the experienced malfunction and when it happens. Pics are welcome.
Alternatively, an email is good to. Comments are preferred so that other users can see them.
It is not a race, so take your time. The simulation is quite complex, so it may take some time to get acquainted with the plane… I'd suggest you log at least a couple of hours before submitting any feedback.
Also, PLEASE, before posting a bug make sure it is not already in the list below.


Red - Higher priority: a severe bug that may hamper the usage of the aircraft
Yellow - Lower priority: definitely a defect, but not a high priority to solve it
Green - Problem solved, o mitigated to the level that it is acceptable.Dark Green - Problem solved or mitigated before the Beta 1 release.
Blue - Comment, nice-to-have features or suggestions


Latest build:  Beta1
Last modified: 16/05/2020

Total logged 178
Red items 0
Yellow items 14
Green items 159
Blue items 5
Progress towards release: 94%


M346EX01 - Pylon disappears when A/S ordnance is dropped - Fixed
M346EX02 - Singapore livery: incorrect color of fuel tank bottom - Fixed
M346EX03 - NAV lights too strong  - NOTE: This happens only on P3Dv5. P3Dv5 lights seem overexposed. Bug identified - missing new P3Dv5 parameters. NOTE - THIS ALSO APPLIES TO LANDING LIGHTS IN VC.
M346EX04 - Speedbrake actuator piston not always aligned stem. ANIMATION REDONE
M346EX05 - Smokewinders hung without rails in P3Dv5. Solved - same bug of M346OT16.
M346EX06 - Unintended INOP clickspots in external view
M346EX07 - Request to remove green tint from HUD (green tint was actually done on purpose for better contrast) - Green tint much less pronounced.
M346EX08 - Minor glitch in pilot animation - Fixed
M346EX09 - Veryfy dimensions and position of the pilot figures - Pilot figures approx 175cm tall, seem OK.
M346EX10 - Tweaked pilot figures animation for (slightly) better match with the controls.
M346EX11 - First stage compressor blades not animated.

M346EX12 - Landing lights too strong (P3Dv5 plaftorm problem) - Added custom light, much weaker than the default.


M346VC01 - Warning system incomplete - Fully implemented
M346VC02 - Ejection Sequence Lever not implemented
M346VC03 - Autopilot Altitude Knob not working - Implemented
M346VC04 - UFCP Autopilot mode is missing - Implemented
M346VC05 - Oxygen System: Implemented
M346VC06 - STALL indication missing from ADI - Implemented
M346VC08 - FAIL TRAIN MODE not implemented
M346VC09 - Gear Lever Warning - Implemented
M346VC10 - FCR page rewritten according to flight manual - Done
M346VC11 - HSD format missing - Added simple HSD format mode
M346VC12 - Checklist format missing - Added CHECKLIST format
M346VC13 - TGP format graphics missing - ADDED
M346VC14 - MAX DECK MIN DECK indication from tactical pages.
M346VC15 - Caution system incomplete - Completed.
M346VC16 - CAWS Test Switch not implemented - Implemented
M346VC17 - Fixed incorrect AO in LMFD panel area - Fixed
M346VC18 - COM1 COM2 selector not working (but can be switched with volume keys)

M346VC19 - GPS DRIVES NAV1 linked to navigation mode - Implemented
M346VC20 - CLOCK/STOPWATCH UFCP mode implemented
M346VC21 - UFCP mode Flight Plan missing ADDED Simple FP ans SP modes, need documentation
M346VC22 - UFCP mode Waypoint missing - IMPLEMENTED: add and delete waypoint, and set as ground target
M346VC23 - UFCP mode BARO-RAD missing - IMPLEMENTED
M346VC24 - UFCP mode SBS missing - IMPLEMENTED
M346VC25 - Missing A/S symbology from HUD - ADDED
M346VC26 - Caption on severance command incorrect
M346VC27 - Caption on oxy system command incorrect
M346VC28 - MFD Power controls

M346VC30 - Incorrect Left And Right Battery Discharge voice alert if Lgen or Rgen become inoperative - Modified code: alert will play only if battery voltage is critically low.
M346VC31 - Special Alert System Incomplete

M346VC32 - Test Light Switch Inop - Added
M346VC33 - Seat Firing Pins Not Present - Added

M346VC34 - SMS Store Acceptance Procedure Not Implemented - Implemented, also change and reload configuration can now be performed within the SMS screen.

M346VC35 - Missing labels from TAXI/LANDING Switch - FIXED

M346VC36 - TAXI/LANDING Switch works only for landing - FIXED

M346VC37 - Takeoff-trim button not working - Added
M346VC38 - Takeoff-trim indication on digital display needs to be revised - modified so that it does not show when autotrim is active

M346VC39 - Link TCT switches to relevant functions - FIXED
M346VC40 - L and R BLEED warning light should blink during aircraft power up.
M346VC41 - Check BATT warning lights - Now functional
M346VC42 - Cannot get out of EGI Alignment Procedure
M346VC43 - Persistent Battery Discharge Warning during APU start

M346VC44 - Improve HUD symbology visibility downward (should be at least 10 degrees) for correct visibility during landing -> FIXED FOR BETA 2
M346VC45 - HUD does not power up through Control+Shift+R Shortcut. FIXED
M346VC46 - Request to park FPM at the edge of the HUD FOV. - IMPLEMENTED, also added FPM LIMITED symbology

M346VC47 - Brightness of HUD considered not sufficient - To be checked.
M346VC48 - Altitude lock on CADI format is not centered (offset by 200ft approx). FIXED
M346VC49 - Check Autopilot symbology on glareshield - Confirmed to be correct
M346VC50 - Missing Autopilot symbology on CADI format - Fixed
M346VC51 - Flood lights way too strong in P3Dv5 HF1 - To be checked. Seems OK on my system. FIXED
M346VC52 - Graphic hole on the virtual cockpit (left kneeboard area) - FIXED
M346VC53 - MASTER CAUTION reset not working - MASTER CAUTION reset now silences all Caution and Warning except Special Messages
M346VC54 - Switch material not conveted to PBR - Fixed
M346VC55 - HUD - check position of clock - Checked Correct
M346VC56 - HUD - check speedbrake symbology - Fixed, added speedbrake symbology as per flight manual
M346VC57 - HUD - check speed dials - Checked correct as per Flight Manual
M346VC58 - HUD - check VOR/TACAN pointer - Added, only for VOR. Also fixed on Waterline (as opposed to following the FPM/CDM)
M346VC59 - HUD - request to add AoA caret - Added
M346VC60 - MASS Switch - rotates in the opposite direction. FIXED
M346VC61 - TRU unit missing from front cockpit. ADDED
M346VC62 - Digital displays are backlit when aicraft is powered off.
M346VC63 - Request to increase color coding contrast of TSD - Unselected items are now 40% darkerM346VC64 - VOR/ILS non selectable in TSD - Fixed
M346VC65 - Fuel pump switch INOP - Made it operable but has no real function in the sim

M346VC66 - MRK and TACAN knobs incorrectly animated - FIXED
M346VC67 - GPS Zero Switch and PTT switch incorrectly animated. - FIXED
M346VC68 - BLEED knob is off-center. on the OFF postion. - FIXED

M346VC69 - HUDR does not work during flight.

M346VC70 - Explosive cord missing smooth group - FIXED
M346VC71 - Canopy actuator is missing - Modeled, but not convincing… decided to leave it out.
M346VC72 - Rear cockpit PTT switch does not work
M346VC73 - Rear cockpit FCS Panel switches do not work
M346VC74 - Rear cockpit Audio Panel switches do not work - Fixed

M346VC75 - Landing Light animation missing - Fixed
M346VC76 - Rear Cockpit main panel switches not working

M346VC77 - Brake lever rotates during activation - 45 deg counterclockwise as per flight manual
M346VC78 - Emergency fire controls do not work in rear cockpit M346VC79 - Limit the stick visibility clickspot area - Fixed
M346VC80 - Harmonize Pan speed view in copilot cockpit
M346VC81 - Reduce HUD Graphic Area
M346VC82 - Introduce tinted glass for the HUD

M346VC83 - Check Alignment of A-A symbology on HUD
M346VC84 - Check Alignment of A-G symbology on HUD
M346VC85 - Add FPM to CADI
M346VC86 - Change SMS Page so that configuration must be accepted with MASS in standby
M346VC87 - Redone GHD Display to comply with the flight manual
M346VC88 - Master Caution does not flash in reality
M346VC89 - MENU pages are completely black and do not overlay on existing graphics.
M346VC90 - A/A and A/G modes are not selectable when Gear Down and WOW - Fixed
M346VC91 - Request to make REAL/SIM switch functional

M346VC92 - PARS not operative
M346VC93 - Alt SEL incorrectly labeled "right engine start switch" - Changed to autopilot altitude selector
M346VC94 - ICE warning appears at incorrect temperature - Changed logic to lower values

M346VC95 - FCS PAGE Wheel brake temp always displayed - FIXED

M346VC96 - CADI PAGE unnecessary digits in millibar indication - Fixed
M346VC97 - Misalignment between digits and altitude tape
M346VC98 - Truncated digits if more than 10 waypoints in flight plan, TSD and HSI pages. Fixed

M346VC99 - Incorrect HUD indication  above M1.00 Fixed
M346VC100 - Scenery leakage through cockpit model neardby left side of ejection seat - FIXED
M346VC101 - Altitude tape limited to 32000ft - Extended to 42000ft
M346VC102 - Cannot manually select waypoints from FP or TSD page - Fixed
M346VC103 - Zulu Time missing from TSD page - Fixed
M346VC104 - TCT switches EWS and TGP are incorrectly animated - FIXED (item renumbered due to mistake)
M346VC105 - Swapped VEH TSD control for NDB control

M346VC106 - Fix minor misalignment of Brightness and Audio Power Switches
M346VC107 - Implement APP mode in the HUD - Added CDI and Glideslope if VOR/ILS mode is detected and NAV mode is selected. Fixed on the waterline as opposed to follow the velocity vector.

M346VC108 - Implement FPM-CDM button in UFCP (order CDM, FPM, Waterline, CDM+FPM) - IMPLEMENTED
M346VC109 - Implement SP mode in UFCP - Simple SP Mode implemented
M346VC110 - Fixed bug preventing radio frequencies to be set correctly with new UFCP
M346VC111 - Fixed bug preventing TACAN channel to be set correctly with UFCP

M346VC112 - Implement HUD Declutter
M346VC113 - Add ARM caption to HUD
M346VC114 - Taxi light apparently can be switched on even if there is no electrical power
M346VC115 - Master Caution Reset does not work in rear cockpit


M346FM01 - Disable Autotrim below 170 kts
M346FM02 - Roll rate too high (opinion of tester) - Checked against flight manual and confirmed by pilots.
M346FM03 - Idle power too high - Check engine performance
M346FM04 - Request to implement carefree handling

M346FM05 - Top speed too high - Check against flight envelope. NOTE: Official figures as follows:
0.87Mach at sea level, 1.0Mach at 20000ft. 1.15Mach max speed achieved during test flights, in slight dive. - Revised transonic drag coefficients

M346FM06 - Nosewheel steering insufficient. - Increased NWS angle and differential braking
M346FM07 - Park Brakes unable to stop the aircraft at high throttles
M346FM08 - Aircraft seems to move (very slowly) if park brake is engaged. 

M346FM09 - Aircraft engines can be started also in NORM mode in the real aircraft. - FIXED
M346FM10 - General feedback - slightly overpowered (5-10%?) - Revised drag coefficients
M346FM11 - Real world aircraft limit AoA is supposely 25 deg. NOTE: other sources indicate 30, 35 and 40 degrees al for limit AoA. NOTE: Flight manual clearly indicates that stall advisory is at 17° AOA. NOTE: Official figures seem to be as follows: STALL warning at 17° or 18° AoA depending on FCS mode. Real AoA limit: 25° deg. - Revised AOA limits

M346FM12 - Wheels not touching the runway (just few cm) on P3Dv5 - Revised contact points

M346FM13 - Oleo animations incorrect and do not match gear compression.

M346FM14 - Drag too low… difficult to decelerate the plane with throttles at idle. New drag index.
M346FM15 - Internal fuel tank capacity slightly different from real plane - FIXED
M346FM16 - EGT too low even at idle and on the ground
M346FM17 - NH at idel should be 56/57

M346FM18 - Basic empty weight does not include oil and hyraulic fuel. Should be 5300 - FIXED
M346FM19 - Change avionic reference speeds with EAS. - IMPLEMENTED


M346OT01 - Cockpit animation is way too fast - slowed downa and added custom sound
M346OT02 - Sound package missing - Draft sound package implemented, needs refinements
M346OT03 - Air-to-Surface Tacpack functionality missing - Implemented
M346OT04 - Consider adding aural warnings 
M346OT05 - Laser code rejected by avionic system - Implemented
M346OT06 - TGP Laser Spot fine adjust not working - ADDED

M346OT07 - Add APU Sound - Added
M346OT08 - Pre-Planned target mode not implemented

M346OT09 - IFF Switch and Warning not Implemented - IFF requires user to power up the unit. Will report REPLY in green if the current L&S target is FRIEND
M346OT10 - Add a "ready to start the engines" button shortcut
M346OT11 - Turn GEN OFF for cold start
M346OT12 - Set EGI Alignment to COMPLETE if start is airborne

M346OT13 - HUD does not power up automatically via "ready to start" shortcut - Fixed initialization code in Beta 2.
M346OT14 - Keyboard shortcuts need to be revised/completed.
M346OT15 - Configurator. Rear pilot seems to reappear in the seat when aicraft is airborne. - Fixed code for Beta 2. Problem was a animation code snippet leftover from the Eurofighter.
M346OT16 - Configurator/SMS IRIS-T left underwing not connected to pylon (without Tacpack) - Fixed SMS code in Beta 2
M346OT17 - Configurator GBU-12 on pylon 2 non selectable. Right inner GBU-12 cannot be removed from the configurator (unless Clear All button is used). - Fixed configurator code in Beta 2
M346OT18 - Configurator BRD-4-250 on pylon 2 non selectable. Right inner BRD can only be removed from the configurator (unless Clear All button is used). - Fixed configurator code in Beta 2
M346OT19 - Configurator - Smokewinder left and right not connected to pylon without Tacpack - Fixed SMS code in Beta 2

M346OT20 -  Configurator - if chocks are not removed they stay on during motion and flight. Chocks and streamers will not disappear if aircraft is not stationary.
M346OT21 -  Configurator - if ladder is not removed, it stays on during motion and flight. Ladder will now disappear if aircraft is not stationary or if canopy is not open.

M346OT22 -  Sound system bug: crash due to missing sound files during certain conditions (engines out, engine or APU fire) - Fixed typos in sound DLL configuration.
M346OT23 - Check behavior of weapons release. FIXED - weapon selection from MFD did not include commands to SMS to select the proper pylon, hence did not work as intended.
M346OT24 - Replace stall sound

M346OT25 - Add 2D HUD display
M346OT26 - Add 2D MFD display for cockpit builders

M346OT27 - Add Taxi/Landing Light Shortcut

M346OT28 - Check selective Jettison functionality with Tacpack - Checked correct, but works only for certain stores
M346OT29 - Check emergency Jettison functionality with and without Tacpack - Checked correct

M346OT30 - Sign Tacpack files for multiplayer - Files signed

M346OT31 - Add information to the manual (e.g.HUD power switch)

M346OT32 - Replace STALL sound



  1. Hi Dino,
    I also did my first short training flights with some touch and go's.
    First of all it handles really well and it seems realistic as a trainer. Followed are my first observations:
    The airbrake has a graphical issue: the piston rod is not centered when extended and retracted (will send you a Email with 2 pictures of it);
    The Master Caution Reset Switch does not work (no reaction on push / should reset the light, shouldn't it?);
    The Take Of Trim Indication on the CSD (is this the name of this small display left of the MFD) is behaving weard. It shows up and disappears for no obvious reason. It is not related to the Take Off Indication on the MFD FCS Page;
    Also with the parking or normal brake engaged the airplane moves forward very very slowly (like it had been on old FS days on many planes);

    Overall I'm really pleased by this very good work...

  2. Hi Dino, did a flew hours on both V4 and V5. One the main thing I would say for now is that the aircraft feels a bit overpowered.External lights might be a bit too bright. Other main points are already mentioned in the 2 previous posts.

    It is a gorgeous looking plane you just created Dino.


  3. Hello together,
    one small bug which I found out today, had only time for a quick ride today :-). If you start your sim and start inside the the 346 (I mean if you select it on the welcome screen) the CSD and the EFDP doesn't power up when switching on the BATT and remain off the entire flight. I know that usually many addons require to start with a default airplane and then select the addon. But this is a observation I made. As soon as you select another variant or another aircraft and load teh 346 again both displays shows as usual.


  4. Hello Daniele,
    about your first bug: is it possible, that it is the same as mine described before? Is the EFDP on in this case? And was the CSD on before start up (on Batt)?

    Best regards

  5. Hi all.

    First THANK YOU ALL for your enthusiastic feedback on the M-346... As you may have seen I have constantly updated the issues list, but I have changed the color code as follows:

    - DARK GREEN now indicates the issues detected internally in Alpha builds. I have kept them along with the new ones for you guys to double check in case an old issue shows up again (e.g. the flickering TAKEOFF TRIM indicator... is back from the dead, and hopefully solved again)

    - LIGHT GREEN are issues which have been dealt with AFTER Beta 1 release. The plan is to release a Beta 2 sometime in mid may, and release the package around the end of the month.

    A couple of miscellaneous notes:

    - There seems to be an exposure problem with P3Dv5. Many legacy effects are overexposed, as P3Dv5 introduced new effects rendering parameters. I am working to have something that will work well in both v4 and v5.

    - Digital displays not showing up in certain circumstances... I think I have identified the bug.

    - Aerodynamic performance. Unfortunately we do not have the performance manual. However the current flight envelope is very close to the ones in the aicraft manual. Roll rate is spot on to the manual figures, but I agree that the thrust is a little high and drag is a little low (probably the latter impacts the thrust).

    Also... it seems that some foreign aircrafts (e.g.Israeli ones) have slightly different HUD symbology (designed to match the F-16), but this is not confirmed.

  6. The engine cut off buttons labeled engine 2 and 3.
    APU and engine start up sequence sound plays only once. so if stop the engine and then restart it you get no sound so cant judge when to switch to run.

  7. The Altitude select knob is labeled right engine start

  8. HUD overall size small compared to HUD glass making it harder to read which exhasperates the brightness issue.

    The location of the HUD switch is not obvious and manual does not specify

  9. Maybe make the HUD 10% bigger non the glass?

  10. @Donald

    HUD frame dimensions are correct. Display area and view angles have been changed for Beta 2. HUD controls will be detailed in the documentation.

  11. @Daniele Issue was already in the list code M346OT15 and was already solved

  12. I find on my Projector/ dome setup I cant really read the HUD very well It would be good to have some sort of brightness setting so you can adjust it to what you need for your set up.

    M346VC47 - Brightness of HUD considered not sufficient - To be checked.

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  15. Hi Dino,
    I have a few observations from a few hours with the M-346. Some may be user error.
    System: Xbox series X.

    Heading bug reacts the opposite way (from all other aircraft) when using the Xbox controller to select heading. ie right button makes bug move left and vice versa.

    Aircraft taxis with minimal throttle movement and keeps accelerating when throttle is moved back to idle. similar in nature to the King Air.

    The aircraft to me seems to be way over powered with minimal throttle needed for high speed flight, when compared with similar aircraft.

    Aircraft oscillates when AP is engaged in APR mode. AP was disengaged and an attempt to  re-engage AP was unsuccessful.

    Clock shakes severely when flying in bad weather.

    Flap/Speed Brake/Undercarriage indicator went blank during flight with flaps and undercarriage not able to be selected. (one occurrence).

    UFC goes back to the COMMS page after making other selections AP selections etc (is this by design).

    Are there manuals (POH) for any of your aircraft that Xbox users can access?
