Friday, April 25, 2014

Minor, and hopefully final, update to the F-35 and F-14D projects

As some of you may be aware of, a small bug was detected in the recent updates of the F-14 and F-35. Namely, while performing an in-flight refuel in Tacpack, the fuel flow rate could become, in some instances, way too low.
I have updated the files to version get rid of this bug ( is a a little too fast!) but should be better than before. You can download, as usual, the latest and greatest from the side bar.

NOTE: there is no effect to non-Tacpack users, so they can live happily with the previous versions if they want to.

If there are no other major reasons to update the projects, these will be, most probably, the last versions compatible with Flight Simulator X - the next round of mods, if any, may include Prepar3D2-only features and I will not be able to support backward compatibility.


  1. What about TacPack compatibility ?

    As for now TacPack is not easily accessible to a wide public on P3D.

    Or did I miss something ?

    I would be sad that update stop on this F-14D. It's good but a lot of things need to be done to improve the weapon system.

    Please continue to update a TacPack compatible Tomcat. A military plane needs a weapon system.

    Anyway tanks this free plane...

  2. Hi Dino, I am a great fan of your work with FSX, particularly the F-35. Having missed several updates, I just installed v2.41. Has the downward looking camera feature been deleted on the F-35B? "Shift+5" now calls up a multi-function display view. Just curious.

    Thanks again, your creations are amazing.

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