Monday, August 17, 2009

Updating the F-14D flight model

Just a quick note about the F-14 dynamics: I know that v1.00 dynamics are not that good - possibly with the exception of carrier operations. They were developed with carrier ops in mind, and relatively late in the project... and there are some major mistakes.

As I had received a "strong" negative feedback from one user, which was right in many respects, I decided to redo the dynamics by scratch. You know I take criticism seriously (well as seriously as it is reasonable for a videogame)... Long story short, a new flight model is being tested and it is not as bad as the previos one - I will release it shortly.


  1. Dino, you are the man! I cant thank you enough for taking the time on such a beautiful aircraft. What you are doing is very deserving of the Tomcat. A true legend in aviation, the Tomcat deserves nothing but the best... and you are giving it the best! Please dont take any criticism personal... its just that the Tomcat is a special aircraft for many people and we just dont have your talent for creating this awesome aircraft. So again, Thank You!

  2. Thank you again, just the air file?

  3. Brilliant. Good to see you are taking FDE's more seriously. They are one of the essential criteria for being correct, for any Flight Sim model.

  4. Both .air and config are being redone.
    I think the new flight model I am testing is MUCH better and very accurate in all respects except approach speeds (like 7-10kts fast).

    There will be other (small) changes in the visuals, too.
